Moved some road base at my crane yard for the first time with the new dump bed trailer, which has a 6600 lb payload. I told the lady at the gravel yard to give me a couple yards, that would be a bit less then 6K more or less. She radios the info outside, and after the guy in the yard in the loader (a BIG loader) stopped after partially emptying his bucket and eyeballed me, I figured it must be his first day or something, a new guy, and to help him out I made the motion "curl your bucket" to him, and he dumped the rest in.
Going back over the scales, I started to realize that maybe he knew what the hell he was doing after all, I had 8540 lbs. in there.

60 lbs of air in the tires, 65 is max, and they looked OK. Nothing to do (don't think they take it out, just put it in) but make the drive across town, about 5 miles, mostly 35 with some 45 MPH. Once at the crane yard I felt the tires and they were warmish....interesting. The hydraulics didn't have quite the needed grunt to lift the bed, so I drug out what I could with the bucket, but that was only at the rear of the trailer, I needed it out of the front of it. Nonetheless, the second time I tried it dumped it just fine. So now I know I have a good trailer, and that the loader guy is King. I would have been just right where he stopped, when I go back in tomorrow to get more, I'm going to tell the office lady to tell him to just load me up as he sees fit and ignore me.
5' box blade coming in this week from Titan. probably could have gone 6' with the L 3301, but it's a bit cheaper plus I see Kubota lists 5' as the recommended size, and I never over do things.
I already have a 5' scraper blade but after seeing how a neighbors gravel driveway looks after he hits it with his box blade, I saw the beauty of the design. I'll wait until mine comes in and then break it in. I have a couple pics but they are in transit in the ether, later for those.