What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Washed at the tractor, mainly just got the big chunks of cow mud off. Took the mower off and put on my sprayer so I can start spraying fence rows and such. Liquid weedeater is so much faster than the real thing.


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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
Changed oil and filter.

Also found another mouse nest on the engine. This is the second time that I have found a nest and in the same place. I used a shop-vac to get most of it using a piece of metal with a hook on the end. Then I used the air hose to blow the rest out. I guess I'm going to have to fire my cats :(




Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Don't feel to badly I changed oil in the OLs Durango this morning checked the air filter, and found about 5 pounds of bird seed stored in the air box,, I made a pop can trap and I cant even begin to figure out how many mice I got this year in the garage

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Funny, I pulled a birds nest out of the radiator today on the tractor. Second one this year. Builds on top of the battery. I remembered to check today. Last one i fired the tractor up and it got sucked into the screen on the front of the radiator :rolleyes: Darn thing made it out of thorny branches this time :mad:


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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
What is a pop can trap? :confused:

I took my 1999 Dodge Ram with a Cummins to have the heater core replace and they found a mouse nest in the air cleaner box, it was so bad they through the air filter away. I was wondering why they turbo didn't sound as loud as it normally does. Spools up a lot fast now that it isn't going through extra filtering :D

Grouse Feathers

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BX2370, FEL, Snowblower-BX5455, Homebuilt Forks, LP RB1560, LP GS1548
Feb 16, 2015
Lovells, Mi
Built a gravel pad for parking implements. The pad also gives a a good level area for the rear tires when hooking up the implements. The implements with hydraulics (fel and snow blower) stay in the garage to the right in the second picture with the tractor. Notice the brown yard, if we don't get rain soon there will be no grass to cut here in May:( (no dandelions either:D).



Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I could send you a bushel or 10 of them little yeller flowers:D


Lifetime Member

L3301HST, LA525, BH77, LP tiller, LP grader box, LP blade, BX2380
Dec 30, 2014
NorthEast Indiana
Used the backhoe as a bead breaker to put new tires on my grasshopper mower, graded the house and barn driveways, pushed the winter deadfall out of the fields and into the fencerows, tilled the garden, dug a 300 foot trench for a new sump pump line, backfilled trench, powerwashed tractor and greased all zerks.

Only took 16 hours. Think I'll take tomorrow off. :D


New member

Jeeps, L2900, FEL, tiller, brush hog,post hole drill, rock rake
Feb 19, 2014
Alexander, Maine
The town sands the roads all winter. Of course, they also plow them, and wing back the banks. All of this means that a lot of the sand that started out on the road winds up in my lawn over the course of a winter.

Soooooooo, I spent a few pleasant hours power-brooming the sand/rocks/chunks of asphalt out of my yard and onto the shoulder of the road, then used the Cabota as a power wheelbarrow while I scooped it all up with a shovel.

When the bucket gets full, I dump it into my dump trailer for transport to wherever on Someday Farm it will do the most good.

This year, roughly two yards of it wound up on the dirt floor of my tractor shed/barn. What with one thing and another the slope was gradually pitching the wrong way and runoff from the roof was winding up under the shed and I was parking in a mudhole.
Does the town mix salt with the sand, if they do be careful where you use the sand.


Grouse Feathers

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BX2370, FEL, Snowblower-BX5455, Homebuilt Forks, LP RB1560, LP GS1548
Feb 16, 2015
Lovells, Mi
I could send you a bushel or 10 of them little yeller flowers:D
skeets, what are you doing, raising dandelions to reseed the neighbors yards after the neighbors work so hard to eliminate the dandelions? That's what I used to do!:D:D:D We had a big yard for the kids, we kept it mowed, but didn't see the need to fertilize the grass and kill the weeds. The weeds helped keep it green with all the traffic, and dandelions are just another flower to kids.


North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Was busy today making my SSQA attachment today, still need to make the latch levers and paint it.

Making the landing pads

Getting ready to cut the mounts off the bucket

Pads and cross beam welded on

Pads, Cross beam and pin pockets are all set up.



Well-known member
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Wolfman, looks nice. Why did you need the sq. tubing between the pad and the cross beam? Be sure to show your latch levers when you get them fabricated.


Well-known member

B2650, Pronovost snow blower, Landpride rotary mower, Howard tiller, box blade
Apr 2, 2015
Downeast Maine
I am just amazed at the difference in productivity between my old JD 750 and the new Kubota.

Had a minor cleanup job, an area about 25 by 100 feet that had been used for a dump for some time. The customer wanted me to clean it up, pile the brush and scrap lumber for later burning, then get rid of the bushes and weeds and drag the spot more-or-less level.

LOVE the SSQA. I put the forks on, loaded the bucket onto the forks and strapped it down, put the tiller on the back and trucked up the road.

Dropped the bucket off the forks and used the forks to sort of rake through the weeds and pick up all the big trash and pile it up.

Dropped the forks off, put the bucket on (under a minute. Did I mention that I love SSQA?) and knocked the high spots into the low spots with the bucket, ran over it with the tiller 2-3 times and then back-dragged it smooth(ish) with the bucket.

Repeated the till-and-drag routine a couple of times until it was looking pretty good. Dropped the bucket, put on the forks, picked up the bucket and hauled 'er for home.

The hydrostat, the power steering and the SSQA turned what would have easily been a 3 hour job into a hair under an hour.

When I looked at the job, I gave an off-the-cuff estimate of $150 based on how long I thought it would take from experience with the 750. The customer was okay with that estimate, and ecstatic when I actually billed her 1/3 of that.

Plus, I now have a whole spare day this week that I hadn't anticipated.

Wonder what sort of trouble I can get into?

Tallahassee Kubota Man

New member

M5140HD/LA1153/LandPride RCF2072/DirtDog disc/RakeMaster grapple/Caroni tiller
Just got in from putting the Piranha tooth bar on the M5140. Easy as pie. The step bit I got with the bar cut right through the bucket. Well worth the $12 or so.

Of course I had to go play with my new toy. Scooped up some dirt, dumped it then pushed some logs away from an area I'm grading out. Once I picked the bucket up, the left side of the bucket slipped out of the quick attach connectors. The SSQA system is new to me, but seems so simple I can't imagine how I got it wrong when I put the bucket on. ( I had the grapple on and took it off before putting the bucket on). Anyhow I disconnected and reconnected the bucket and all seems to be ok. I put pressure on the bucket from all angles to test it.

It happened, but I didn't get pictures... :D

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
Replaced the seals in my B219 FEL. They had been weeping since I got it, and slowly getting worse. I was trying to hold off replacing them until after my big driveway project, (more on that later) but I blew the high pressure hose, and it seemed like a good time to dive in. The high side hose had, at some time in the past, been touching the pump guard & had worn a small divot in the hose- thats where it blew. Drained, cleaned the screen, replaced the pressure & suction hoses, (all the others have been replaced) & re-did the cylinders. The worst part was that on 3 of the cylinders, some potato-headed moron had been there first, & apparently used a hammer, icepick, and screwdriver to try to remove the snap rings & end caps. I spent hours with jewelers files & machining scrapers cleaning up the damage so that the end caps would come out, and the caps had been beaten also. Sometimes I really hate people. The cylinders & rams were in good shape, only a small amount of rust where the cap lives. The 4th cylinder had apparently been replaced with a new old stock one at some point, it was flawless & un-butchered. I was surprised to find no "cup" type seals, only the one wiper seal, o-rings, & backing rings. (My B670 had lots of "cup" seals.)

A side note: Previously, to lift the front wheels off the ground, I had to use the curl- now I can set the bucket flat on the ground & lift the wheels without using the curl.


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