Yep! It was a tough day for sure and I hope I never to have to do this again! I knew I had to move the tires to the other side of the tractor after changing the setting of the centers, but completely forgot about it in the stress and heat of the moment. I had removed the wheel weights and wheel on the left side when I realized the mistake. That's such a great feeling when you know you have to do it all again.

I will add that we did a much better job of aligning the weights than the local Kubota dealership, and given the cost savings (around $500) it was worth doing myself.
I don't know what the wheel/tire weighs but there's 72 gallons of beet juice in each tire which is around 720lb, then there's the weight of the steel rim and the tire itself. 1000lb would probably be a reasonable estimate.
Even with the MX and pallet forks it was still a tough job due to the weight of the wheel/tire and the friction of the rubber on the pallet forks. It all worked out in the end though but I was beat last night. The wheel weights were the easy part, but I can assure you it wouldn't be much fun trying to position and bolt on 160lb wheel weights without something to help. Pallet forks work well for that.
Here's how the morning started with the wheels at the second narrowest setting and two wheel weights.
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Removing the weights
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Removing wheels
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Moving wheels around
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All done with all bolt/nuts torqued to spec, and the tires on the correct side of the tractor
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