What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

Daren Todd

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Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Better bring back one of those lawnmowers too and get started on that mini jeep.
Ssshhuushhhhh!!!! :p:p:p pops still has a couple of old craftsmans over at his place:eek::eek: The boys got four wheelers for xmas so I should be safe :D They are already asking to drive the bota even though they can't reach the pedals :cool:


Well-known member

L225 w/woods Few Mowers & Back Blade, D722 in Motorcycle (Triumph Tiger), LMTV
Nov 16, 2012
Southern OH
No shanks, and yes it is homemade. Traded some cheap lawn implements that I had given to me, for it and a middle buster. Had to fix a couple welds on it, change the pins, and it was never painted by the looks of it. Gonna try it tomarrow out on the road and fill some pot holes and see how it works.

I have access to a cutting edge off an old dozer so I'm considering welding it to the back and angled backwards so i can crank up the front facing edge to smooth with it also. Cutting edge is 140 miles away at my dads, so I'll make sure he brings it to his place, and I'll pick it up the next time we go for a visit.
Will be interesting to hear how it works out for you. Was considering homemade route too since my Hot water Heater went out. Then discovered I could rent a back blade for 80ish bucks for two days use. Probably will still make one when all the parts fall into place for me.

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Will be interesting to hear how it works out for you. Was considering homemade route too since my Hot water Heater went out. Then discovered I could rent a back blade for 80ish bucks for two days use. Probably will still make one when all the parts fall into place for me.
This is a newer version of my back blade. Brand new for 300 and change. Search around for used implement dealers. Might be able to find one cheaper.


If I could come up with a couple cutting edges, I had considered building one with rippers that was 52" wide to cover the full width of the tires. One I have if 4ft wide and comes to the center of each tire. We have a local fab shop by my work. And if most of it was pieced out of left overs, I could get most of the material for about 100$. Plus purchasing the rippers and pins.


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Daren, check with someone at your local county public works dept. to get a used up (to them) grader blade.

I installed one several years ago on a Western snow plow when the cutting edge gave up the ghost while cleaning the local runway. They're like 5/8" thick and last....

Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Daren, check with someone at your local county public works dept. to get a used up (to them) grader blade.

I installed one several years ago on a Western snow plow when the cutting edge gave up the ghost while cleaning the local runway. They're like 5/8" thick and last....
Thanks for the tip :D I just had a major brain fart :eek: My coworkers dad has his own shop and specializes in working on heavy equipment. He's mentioned a couple times that I'm more the welcome to go over there and scrounge through there scrap metal pile. Which apparently is the size of a small house :rolleyes: I could probably get most of the stuff to build it out of that pile for a case of beer :cool: I know for a fact they just replaced the cutting edges on a couple of large dozers recently. I'll have to take a trip over there after he gets back into town.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Finally done. Now we can rebuild it to suit our needs. Tiny bit of rip-rap rock along west wall that needs to come out for use in erosion areas elsewhere on property but, I'll get it next week.



New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
That is looking pretty good. Like how you thought about where the water is going to go, even in a desert! Years back I was near Tucson and travelling down a highway and every once in a while there was a dip in the road. Being a road builder I thought these folks must have had an idiot for an engineer! Fellows from Caterpillar I was rolling with explained they are there for flash flood drainage, OH that makes sense! They also explained why Vanessa at the hotel had an Adams apple? Oh that didn't make sense!

I see you have your gal operating the tractor, I am a little apprehension to teach my Bride to run ours or I'll never get to run it and have to do all the shovelling!


Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
At our old house the back yard was open to the desert. We'd get any and all animals in the yard. More than once I saw coyote pups stalk those rusty piggies. I also saw a young bobcat do the same. Another reason I want a plasma cutter. Any of you guy in PHX have one and want to upgrade to a bigger one, YELL! :)

Serious though, like when I have to load the rip-rap rock up and haul it away, with my wife running the machine, she can follow me along and I can fill the bucket by hand in no time. Then I go dump the load and when I get back, we swap again. She has fun and I get way more done that if I had to get my fat butt on and off the tractor after repositioning it.

There is something to that "Happy Wife, Happy Life" malarkey. :)

In Utopia

Active member

L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
At our old house the back yard was open to the desert. We'd get any and all animals in the yard. More than once I saw coyote pups stalk those rusty piggies. I also saw a young bobcat do the same. Another reason I want a plasma cutter. Any of you guy in PHX have one and want to upgrade to a bigger one, YELL! :)

Serious though, like when I have to load the rip-rap rock up and haul it away, with my wife running the machine, she can follow me along and I can fill the bucket by hand in no time. Then I go dump the load and when I get back, we swap again. She has fun and I get way more done that if I had to get my fat butt on and off the tractor after repositioning it.

There is something to that "Happy Wife, Happy Life" malarkey. :)
It's not malarkey, it's a well proven, time tested fact of life.


New member

L1500DT, front end loader, mower, tiller, snow blower
At our old house the back yard was open to the desert. We'd get any and all animals in the yard. More than once I saw coyote pups stalk those rusty piggies. I also saw a young bobcat do the same. Another reason I want a plasma cutter. Any of you guy in PHX have one and want to upgrade to a bigger one, YELL! :)

Serious though, like when I have to load the rip-rap rock up and haul it away, with my wife running the machine, she can follow me along and I can fill the bucket by hand in no time. Then I go dump the load and when I get back, we swap again. She has fun and I get way more done that if I had to get my fat butt on and off the tractor after repositioning it.

There is something to that "Happy Wife, Happy Life" malarkey. :)
Fair enough, we just graded and finished our 2 acres. We should have placed all the material under our 4' deck before it was built. No we shovelled ,graded and racked about 600 ft2 about 6" deep worth of crushed recycled concrete under that deck. Banged my head a bunch and she wasn't that happy about doing it!

We both are at the stage where that kind of work benefits our waistline.

So she hates me but is happy!



BX24, Rear blade, Front blade, Snowblower, 54" MMM, Box scraper, Landscape rake
Dec 25, 2010
Kellogg, Idaho
I had some friends over for dinner. With the temps around 50°F in February :eek: I took out the Bota and gave their kids and mine tractor rides. We found a gravel pile and turned it over :D Good ol family fun


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L4600, LA764, LP Blade,
Dec 26, 2014
Southern Indiana
same here, used the loader to lift and dump piles snow over the hill to make room for more tonight... I just grader blade the drive with the little Deere as it is coming down and deal with the piles later with the loader.


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LX2610HSDCC, B/H, Loader, plus numerous other attachments. B7200 sold
Dec 10, 2013
Binbrook, Ontario
Replaced the battery before starting tractor in -18 deg. C temperature. Then I cleared the 4000 foot long driveway with the blower. I sure could use a heated cab.


New member

Jun 20, 2014
It was actually yesterday, I got to work out my back blade plowing snow. I used a 72" back blade on my Bx2360 and it work like a champ. Since I won't be moving earth with the BB, 72" works just right and gets the job done in a lot less time.


Jul 18, 2014
Sweet home, Oregon
Getting ready to add another 12 ft on to the shed so I tried to clear the brush out a couple of weeks ago. Should have known better here in Oregon this time of year. Outriggers for the hoe wouldn't hold the tractor up out of the mud so I took 1 1/2 flat bar 4 1/2 inches long and added some to each side of the pad. That will give me more flotation but I was worried about the pieces bending up so I welded a piece of 3/4 key stock to the top. Me being me, I always over build so I also welded a piece to the bottom. I think it will work fine. I also think I need another welder. I'm not happy with how they look and I know I'm a better welder than that. I'm sure the powder coating doesn't help. ;]