What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
What is the purpose of this edge? My new bucket is drilled for one, but not sure what I would ever use it for.
Keeps factory cutting edge from wearing and sticks out a bit to help "get under"/cut material. I'm using it for scraping a pile of gravel off of my driveway currently. Think of it as a poor man's toothbar (with no teeth of course) that doesn't impede back dragging. Will post results after using it tomorrow.

EA was 5 weeks out and I got this thing next day. Will swap it for the EA depending on what I'm doing.
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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Hmm, I wonder if this is something I should add to my new bucket to help maintain the gravel drive. I will also be digging out a section between my newer drive and the barn, making it go all the way to the barn and widening it at the back. Does it also stiffen the edge? I would assume yes with the amount of bolts used.
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B2650HSDC Woodland Mills WC68 Wood Chipper
Apr 10, 2019
Bigfork Minnesota
Decided to help the “spring melt“ out a little by digging out my sawmill. Pretty much all sand in my mill yard, so it should dry up soon with the warmer weather.
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L35 Ford 3930
Mar 24, 2020
Hmm, I wonder if this is something I should add to my new bucket to help maintain the gravel drive. I will also be digging out a section between my newer drive and the barn, making it go all the way to the barn and widening it at the back. Does it also stiffen the edge? I would assume yes with the amount of bolts used.
Since your bucket is drilled, I think you can get a straight bolt-on edge from Kubota. EA or Piranha should be able to furnish a drilled one. Either way you'll need plow bolts, probably. That edge wears faster than you'd think, and yes it stiffens the bucket edge.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Hmm, I wonder if this is something I should add to my new bucket to help maintain the gravel drive. I will also be digging out a section between my newer drive and the barn, making it go all the way to the barn and widening it at the back. Does it also stiffen the edge? I would assume yes with the amount of bolts used.
Since your bucket is drilled, I think you can get a straight bolt-on edge from Kubota. EA or Piranha should be able to furnish a drilled one. Either way you'll need plow bolts, probably. That edge wears faster than you'd think, and yes it stiffens the bucket edge.
ACDII - - - A toothbar helps greatly for digging. Many use BxPanded bars, but there are many options. From the pictures a few posts ago, pretty sure ctfjr's bar is one, and Deepwoods has one also.

I think PoTreeBoy nailed it; for a lot of scraping, I wouldn't trust a stock bucket. It should have something for wear and stiffening.


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Aug 19, 2021
New Hampshire
Put my BX25D into Spring/Summer mode…took off the snowblower and serviced it…went around back to hook the FEL back up and ran into some trouble getting the left loader arm to stay put in the bottom “cup” where it sits to line up the pins. Must have been because it sat unattached for 4+ months…anyways, after four tries I finally sat on the loader arm while “dumping” the bucket to force the arms to line up with the pin holes. Bingo! That worked. Some different issue tries to confound you each time you do something you have never done before…I have taken off and put on the loader a hundred times for mowing but never had it sit for that long while off.
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BX23S, Braber BBR4G 4' Box Blade & LRM5G 5' landscape rake
Jan 20, 2022
Seattle, WA, USA
I opened up the control station on my BX23S backhoe to see exactly what was making one of the levers completely loose and find out what parts I would need to order. Saw that the bolt was backing out for the other control arm too. Was happy to find the bearing still in place, and that any parts falling off actually have nowhere to go anyway. Got everything put back together and operational.

The exploded parts diagrams at Messick's web site are really helpful.


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ken erickson

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B7100 hst, 2650 front mount snowblower, L2501 hst qa loader
Nov 21, 2010
Waupaca Wisconsin
An absolutely beautiful day to get some Kubota seat time here in central Wisconsin. I have my 2400 lbs of sodium bentonite in the tractor shed ready to line my small wildlife watering hole. Today spent a couple of hours continuing my dead scot pine removal with the grapple.


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Dec 7, 2009
central ct
Yesterday there was a break in the weather and I exercised my new stump bucket to dig 7 holes for trees / bushes. Extremely satisfied. It cut thru some 2" roots like nothing.
I originally thought the holes would be too rectangular and would require a lot of backfilling. Not so. With a little practice even I was able to make holes pretty close to what I needed - 2' deep and about 2' sq.

Still a fair amount of backfilling with topsoil I brought in and tomorrow I deal with getting rid of the spoils. A productive day with the tractor.



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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Well, 48* and sunny. What a Beautiful day it was. I got the tractor out with the pallet forks, pulled out the round pen panels that were stuck behind the hay barn for who knows how many years, and build a paddck for my horse so I can tear out the fencing and reconfigure his pasture area. My son and I got to work moving a round hay bale feeder out and taking it apart to sell, then took down a good portion of fencing.

That tractor is ficking awesome, love it. Now to teach my kids how to use the B2410 fo they can assist when we need both units in operation. Going to have him split some logs tomorrow, and the two of them can stack while I take down more fences and start cleaning up the barn to make room for a new shelf to store equipment on now that I have forks.
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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC

Had a couple of snags hanging over one of the trails. This one was actually a medium pine and a couple of small hardwoods that went over together. The other one (not pictured) is dead as a hammer and more of a fall risk but had to move this one to get to the dead one. Cut it about 90% off the stump at which point it was moving a lot in a variety of directions so I was done cutting. Tried single line pulling and it moved but wouldn’t break loose. Applied a snatch block and that worked… until it hung up on an old stump. Cut it shorter and pulled some more until it slid backwards and hung on another tree. Cut it shorter and pull some more. Finally came down.

Wife and I always work on stuff like this together. Anything dangerous we’ve agreed we don’t do alone. So she was there through all that rigging, cutting, grappling stuff out of the path. Then she got ill, both physically and with me, so she left. In the Mule. With all the rigging and tools. I was left with the saw and tractor. So I tidied up the area a bit with the saw and grapple but left the second snag for another day. Put up the tractor and saw, retrieved the Mule and put up everything else. Then checked to see if the cat was pissed with me too. He wouldn’t speak to me either but at least he wasn’t pissed with me so I hung out with him for a while.

Wife got to feeling a bit better physically and got over whatever she was ill with me about (I’m still a little fuzzy on the origin of that) but by that time we didn’t have enough time to take out the second snag.
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2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
Did some work moving a gravel pile today. First time operating a FEL, what a great experience. Watched a few videos first to prep and read the loader manual last week.

Set up my generator pad base in preparation for install next week. Roughly 6-8" of 6A limestone tamped in 2" lifts. The R14s did pretty good on the lawn and didn't tear up the turf. My bucket finally has some scars and now I'm not afraid to take the paint off anymore 😂
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2022 LX2610HST, 3rd Function, Rear Remotes, BH77
Mar 21, 2022
Annual oil change is done.
What'd you use? I just changed my Ferris Kaw oil today as well, been using Mobil 1 15w50 in it since new. Going to probably run that in the hydro gear hydros as well since they call for dino 20w-50 SL.


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LX2610, Virnig 60" Grapple, WoodMaxx TM-86H, Woods 60" BB/72”RB
Feb 12, 2022
Grafton, Ohio
Not a bad day. Cleaned all the mud off the Kubota and finally finished cleaning up the auxiliary LED wiring. Also just quickly drove around the ruts I made when the ground was soft. Not perfect but much better. Once the grass starts really growing it’ll fill in fine. Supposed to get more rain over the next few days so today was the day.

Also did my Spring prep maintenance to my Scag and portable generator. Grass needs cut already but some of the property is still too soft to mow.
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
Not much today. I got a heavy duty pallet ready for tomorrow to unload (by hand) 1,800lb of concrete bags off the trailer since the MX can't lift the 3,600lb pallet that has 45 80lb bags from Home Depot.

I did install a couple of sets of the Outback Wrap hydraulic hose identifiers. I have a number of implements not to mention top-n-tilt that use the two or three rear remotes and it's always a chore figuring out which hose goes where. The 3rd function hoses are idiot proof although fittings may need to be swapped in order to have the buttons work the way you want. The rear hoses, not so idiot proof.

Outback wrap 01.jpg

Outback wrap 02.jpg
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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Put both tractors to work over the weekend. I pulled down all the fencing except the old arena which will get new tape and insulators. Moved all the round pen panels in one load with the forks, man those are great. Got the B2410 out and had the kids splitting logs while I pulled more fencing down, then a hose leaked so then brought the tractor into the garage and finally refitted the rear remote lines and put the fittings on. Only problem, I don't know what I can use to hard mount them to the tractor. The clamp I got is for the much larger ones.

Next up, put the backhoe on the B2410 and dig out the anchor posts, move the water hydrant, then take the backhoe off and put the rough cut on and clean up the fields, then finish mow them to get down as close to the ground as I can for drilling, then run the rake to get debris off and get the drill set up and plant some seed.
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
As I mentioned in another thread, I had removed the 3-point snow blower and snow blade weeks ago since it looked like spring was here and I have a lot to do. Then I woke up to at least 8" of snow this morning ... a heavy, wet snow.

I was able to get the bucket off and the snow blade on fairly quickly and set about clearing off the two driveways. Now that's done I'm going to put the pallet forks on and unload about 22 80lb bags of concrete from the pallet on the trailer onto a pallet on the forks. Then I'll get the pallet with the rest of the concrete off the trailer.

This morning reminded me of how nice it will be to have two tractors so that I can leave one set up for winter until I'm "sure" we're done. I did have to finesse the snow blade on the gravel driveway since the ground is soft. Normally I would just have the loader in float but today I had to raise it up so as not to push gravel down the driveway.




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