What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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Jun 9, 2019
You need some more practice.. Would you mind taking a road trip to do my front yard.. I'm out of energy to even sit on the tractor seat. My get up go has got up and went. Old age syndrome :rolleyes: It really looks good. What are you planting in the garden?
My friend told me they are planting "microgreens" and peppers, I told him i'll be back when the peppers (and beer) are ready!
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Jan 17, 2021
So a Kubota SVL 75-2 (first time I operated a new style machine) can move 300 tons of dirt in less than 7hrs. Spent more time waiting for the truck to bring another load. Only twice did he pull in while I was actually in the machine!
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
well, short version is that the new Kioti knob is installed...I was hoping that it would help when my wife carts me around in the cherry picker for tree trimming to see which way to pull the knob (now, I'm afraid she'll just dump me out of the cherry picker for spite).

Long version is that I created quite the kitchen catastrophe when the bottle of Gorilla glue that I so carefully microwaved to get it flowing again, shot hot glue all over my kitchen sink, window and window sill and trim. I was squeezing the bottle to get the liquid glue to rise to the top so I could add a little to the knob install when it blew. :mad: What a friggin' dumba$$.

What a fine way to spend our 26th anniversary evening...panic stricken trying to get glue off of our kitchen. Looks like I'll be doing some sanding/tongue oiling ...as soon as my fingers become unglued.

At least it didn't get me in the face or hair (like that young woman that used it for hair gel a few months ago).maybe I should sue Gorilla glue like she was going to? Perhaps, a class action deal? hahahaaa

anyway, here's the damn pic...not posting a pic of my kitchen window!

Was it worth it? NOPE!

Kioti knob 1.JPG
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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
Long version is that I created quite the kitchen catastrophe when the bottle of Gorilla glue that I so carefully microwaved to get it flowing again, shot hot glue all over my kitchen sink, window and window sill and trim. I was squeezing the bottle to get the liquid glue to rise to the top so I could add a little to the knob install when it blew. :mad: What a friggin' dumba$$.
That reminds me of back in the late 60s when I was working in the kitchen of the local restaurant. The head cook was making a burger with mustard, and the nozzle on the squeeze bottle was plugged up. Rather than take a tooth pick and clean the stoppage, nooooo, he grips it between both hands and squeezes it as hard as he can. Sploosh! the cap popped off blowing half the contents out onto the entire surrounding area. Then, not to stop there, he heaved it across the kitchen, spinning wildly, ejecting more mustard onto almost everything in it's path.
Weeks later, while doing regular cleaning chores, we were still finding splatters of mustard in wayward places.

Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
well, short version is that the new Kioti knob is installed...I was hoping that it would help when my wife carts me around in the cherry picker for tree trimming to see which way to pull the knob (now, I'm afraid she'll just dump me out of the cherry picker for spite).

Long version is that I created quite the kitchen catastrophe when the bottle of Gorilla glue that I so carefully microwaved to get it flowing again, shot hot glue all over my kitchen sink, window and window sill and trim. I was squeezing the bottle to get the liquid glue to rise to the top so I could add a little to the knob install when it blew. :mad: What a friggin' dumba$$.

What a fine way to spend our 26th anniversary evening...panic stricken trying to get glue off of our kitchen. Looks like I'll be doing some sanding/tongue oiling ...as soon as my fingers become unglued.

At least it didn't get me in the face or hair (like that young woman that used it for hair gel a few months ago).maybe I should sue Gorilla glue like she was going to? Perhaps, a class action deal? hahahaaa

anyway, here's the damn pic...not posting a pic of my kitchen window!

Was it worth it? NOPE!

View attachment 60952
Reminds me of this incident I posted a while back:

During my first 3rd shift as captain of the company fire department, I got a call of a medical/chemical emergency in the production assembly area. They had recently begun using cyanoacrylates (crazy glue) for some assemblies. A sitting woman had broken the tube & had glue all over her hands, and touched her eyelid with her right index finger, gluing it fast. Her supervisor came up behind her to help, reached over the top, grabbed her hand, and promptly glued both of his hands to hers, which was glued to her eyelid. I arrived just in time to stop an employee from pouring a 2 1/2 gal bucket of acetone over her head. Knowing there was almost nothing I could do, I called for the pros and taped them into a single unit so her eyelid would remain intact. The paramedics later informed me that took a surgeon over an hour to separate then with a scalpel.
Hardest part for me & the paramedics was to keep from cracking up. :giggle:



Feb 25, 2021
North Idaho
I finished the install of third function last week for the new grapple. I decided to not use the flexible hydraulic hoses on the tractor section. I made hardlines instead. Lots more work but looks great. Used it allday today.
Finally got around to protecting the lines under the floor since i had all the tools out for the other repair. This should kerp lines where they belong.


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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
Heavy rains coupled with land-clearing up-stream by a neighbor brought heavy-brush and logs onto the low-water crossing. The log-jam kept the water up so high/so long that the neighbors wife couldn’t get home even after what should have been sufficient time for the water-level to drop..... So I used the tractor/FEL to drive into the water and clear the log-jam.
It only required a few more minutes afterward for the water to drop sufficiently to drive thru...
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Jun 9, 2019
Last week I did a favor for a friend, and brush hogged his vacant "city lot". We eat dinner at his restaurant all the time, I figured it was the very least I could do as a thank you. I already had the brush hog on the machine after having cut 2 acres with zero drama, I was feeling productive and generous!

Well... no good deed goes unpunished, I will never, ever, brush hog a city lot again. I found every stump, rock, immovable piece of construction material, cinder block, huge pieces of trash, glass, more crap than you could ever imagine fitting into a 75x100 space. As a parting shot, on my very last pass, while feeling defeated and exhausted from the longest hour of my life, the brush hog found a discarded 2.5 gallon container full of used motor oil which exploded everywhere in the most cinematic fashion. Ruined my hat, shirt and pants and made a mess of everything within 50 feet.

After washing the machine when I got it home, I changed the blades. I will try and grind the old set. The torque multiplier makes short work of getting those 500 ft pound bolts off, and back on. Im thankful for slip clutch magic and that I did not blow up my gearbox.

I always brush hog with the loader down very low, but there were so many undulations in his grade it made it impossible to set the loader right. It was the perfect storm.

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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Well... no good deed goes unpunished
I say those exact words to myself all the time. Honestly, I now shy away from offering to do stuff for others anymore. I've been bitten way to many times and its always been at my expense in time and broken equipment.

I finally said "No" to a neighboring property owner (vacant lot) with lots of concrete debris. He's asked me 4 times if I would bury the stuff for him. Each time, I replied "no, you need a bigger machine. The last time he asked me I got a little agitated and told him that the last time I helped a neighbor, it wound up costing me $30K for a new tractor.

He just sold the lot, so I'm now hiding from the new owner.

I sort of tell people that I'm just too busy now. There are some that I continue to help, but I'm definitely more selective now.

If I could just learn to say "no" to mother, I'd be in great shape. Just finished loading the tractor to head up there in the am...I surely hope I don't break anything.
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Jun 9, 2019
lol i agree! I think you will have a much nicer day :)
i said to myself, how bad could this possibly be? its a tiny little space.... the learning is real.


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Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia

Hired out some forestry mulching. Completely changed the way the woods look. For the better, of course. Up keep will be much easier now.
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
I say those exact words to myself all the time. Honestly, I now shy away from offering to do stuff for others anymore. I've been bitten way to many times and its always been at my expense in time and broken equipment.

I finally said "No" to a neighboring property owner (vacant lot) with lots of concrete debris. He's asked me 4 times if I would bury the stuff for him. Each time, I replied "no, you need a bigger machine. The last time he asked me I got a little agitated and told him that the last time I helped a neighbor, it wound up costing me $30K for a new tractor.

He just sold the lot, so I'm now hiding from the new owner.

I sort of tell people that I'm just too busy now. There are some that I continue to help, but I'm definitely more selective now.

If I could just learn to say "no" to mother, I'd be in great shape. Just finished loading the tractor to head up there in the am...I surely hope I don't break anything.
A possible answer to such requests might be “I’d like to help you out but my insurance won’t cover my liability or myself doing tractor-work for someone else.“
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Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
Worked on the kids playground. Today’s project digging little “slits” about a foot deep for burrying tires.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Not a Kubota, but fired up the old timer today and ran everything up to operating temperature.

The more I run it, I’m noticing it likes a little choke to smooth out.

Thinking could be as simple as the choke cable, but more suspicious of Dad using old ethanol gasoline in it, which I know he did....parts are still readily available for Marvel Schebler carbs.

Also verified that it will fit on that side of garage.....sshhh, don’t tell my wife.....:geek:

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