What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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2009 BX2360TV60, RCK60B-23BX
Aug 8, 2014
Parker, SD
Put up a tarp shelter (Menards Garage in a box) to keep lil orange out of the weather. Anchored the feet of the shelter frame into the frozen ground by driving 13" long U-bolts from my truck's old leaf springs, and adding cement weights to the frame. I will put in some earth augers in the spring. I also put tubes in both front tires ( they've leaked since day one. Not too hard to do with hand tools; I bolted the rim to the work bench to keep it steady) and made a center ripper/ trencher that is vertically adjustable using the 3-point, and is connected to the frame at the tow ball mount hole to transfer the force to the tractor frame, and keep it off the 3-point. I will post pictures of the ripper later.


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MX5200, FEL
Oct 19, 2015
Murfreesboro, TN
I didn't do anything on or to the tractor, but I did go out to my brothers house and get a piece of his scrap aluminum and make a light bar to attach to the ROPS. I cut it, marked/drilled holes and mounted the lights to it. I also drilled the holes for the u-bolts to mount it. I forgot the wire, so I will go back out this weekend and finish it up. I will post pics once it is done.


Active member

bx24 backhoe/fel, 48" Bush mower
Nov 16, 2014
ione, washington
Yesterday I plowed snow for 3 hours with the bx. When I finished plowing I scraped a little sand of the county road and spread it on my driveway. :D This morning the plow went by about 40 mph and threw all the sand off the road into the bar ditch. If I had known they were going to do that, I would have scraped up more and stock piled it.


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May 30, 2014
Saint John, NB Canada
Well, After finishing my cab two weeks ago, I`m still `refining`couple things, finished running hoses for the windshield washers yesterday, and added a small 4" or 5". 2-speed fan at the rear, to help the coolant heater circulate the heat around the inside cab.


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Why not move one set of lights to the other side. Spreading out the light reduces the shadows and would move all the lights outside the ROPs.
Yeah, thought about that. But the problem is I typically look over my right shoulder when backing up, since I'm left-handed, and drive lefty.

When I look over to right - BANG - lights are in my face. Would still have one in my face. Might be better if all on other side, or above ROPS.

If I go above the ROPS, I think I will split them, like you suggest. :cool:

Since I have a BX2360, the ROPS is short enough I should still have room to clear my overhead doors. :D

Good thing is we missed most of the lake effect over the last week, and will probably miss the mid-atlantic storm this weekend.

You guys in the storm's path, be safe!


New member

Jun 9, 2015
Villas, NJ
Plowed last night till the MAN said didn't have proper YELLOW FLASHING LIGHTS, so went to wally world today got 2 LED strobes and 2 LED work lights. Plowed for 4 hours today.


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L1500DT Too many implements, or is there such a thing?
Mar 17, 2015
Florissant CO USA 8213'

Got everything masked and all externals (FEL), tarped and ready for primer.
GOD willing (my honey) and the Cric don't rise (weather).
Next weekend I will shoot a couple of coats of DP50 (circa 89).
Glad I kept it, I hear the DPLF 50 (Lead Free) sucks.
Stirred it up today and it is good, the DP401 Fast Catalyst has no crystals.
So I should be good on an Epoxy Primer. I can have the shop up to 80° in an hour and roll her out,
shoot, and roll her back in, if I have 50° ambient I am good to go.
Will order a quart of Blue on Monday. Shoot color the following weekend. Again GOD willing.........

Project rolling along, Reverse is fixed (input shaft), just waiting for a new reverse gear. (next week also).



Active member

BX 25d, Grand L6060, Kx040, GL7500, ZD1211 With cab
Sep 4, 2015
New Jersey
Used my snowblower for the first time in the blizzard today. Did one run this morning at 9am with about 15 inches of snow down so far......

Then again at 4pm - another 8 inches or so. Kubota worked on my paved driveway fantastic. On my rocked driveway - I have to figure out how not to pick up so many rocks. man the blower throws stone FAR! :eek:

Still snowing now - gonna have to do one more clearing in the morning before I head off to work - 7-8am maybe


Well-known member

2020 L3901HST, LA525 Loader, 66" Q/A Bucket, PFL2042 Forks, Meteor SB68PT Blower
Mar 4, 2015
Cadillac, MI
Use the top link to adjust the angle of attack of your blower. Shorten the top link so it's riding a little more on the skis. I've found it doesn't take much at all.

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Active member

BX 25d, Grand L6060, Kx040, GL7500, ZD1211 With cab
Sep 4, 2015
New Jersey
Use the top link to adjust the angle of attack of your blower. Shorten the top link so it's riding a little more on the skis. I've found it doesn't take much at all.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Front mounted blower.......... I have been trying ot get how high up to keep the blower, but the ground is contsantly changing as I move so i have to keep adjusting, adjusting, adjusting - ooops there goes some rocks thrown


Well-known member

2020 L3901HST, LA525 Loader, 66" Q/A Bucket, PFL2042 Forks, Meteor SB68PT Blower
Mar 4, 2015
Cadillac, MI
Ah, poop. I should have guessed. Does it have adjustable skis?

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Active member

BX 25d, Grand L6060, Kx040, GL7500, ZD1211 With cab
Sep 4, 2015
New Jersey
Ah, poop. I should have guessed. Does it have adjustable skis?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Yeah, I started a post about it before the blizzard hit here. Asked if the shoes where all the way down would I still pick up rocks. Everyone said yes. And sure enough that was true today. Shoes all the way down - but picked up rocks.

Some suggested a pvc pipe. Note sure how to install it on the bottom but I think I'm gonna have to try. One section in front of the truck here has been down for 10 years. Oil tanker trucks - lots of weight. Those rocks are really compacted. The blower had no trouble staying on top. But those two new spots to the right we did last summer and extended the rocks to the driveway. So that area is new and those rocks are very loose. Until they get packed down good after a year or so its gonna be a problem to blow it.



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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

I was working in extremely tight quarters today trying to get boulders placed across an area that will be "new" concrete in a few weeks. I also had to move a pile of dirt and avoid a bunch of power and water lines as well as drainage lines. I worked for about four hours and never mashed anything but for the first time I wished my tractor was smaller. Now that its over, I am glad it isn't! :)

What an amazing machine. I got so much work done by myself yesterday. A dozen 500lb+ boulders moved almost effortlessly. A huge pile of dirt relocated.

Now to finish off with some hand digging for drainage pipes...



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L3901 HST with LA525 FEL, Land Pride RCF2572, pallet forks, 3 pt carry all
Jan 27, 2016
Woodbine, Maryland
If you did something to or on you're tractor today and you don't want to start a new thread then post it here :D

I installed a horn I took from a tiny Toyota and then installed a decompression cable on mine today. Was going to do a little grading on the drive but got tired :(
I ordered front tire chains and a rear light kit from the dealer. Am considering a block heater and rear remote valve for the near future.




Kubota L3710 HST,L2230A QT,forks,Takeuchi TB125, 60" Luck Now pto Snowblower
Jan 6, 2014
East Hampton, CT
Didn't get to grab any pictures so I owe you guys some Kubota porn in the near future. I tested out my neighbors 10' QT snow pusher in the 14" storm we got over the weekend with my L3710....which had plenty of power but not enough traction to push snow down the entire driveway..it had to pull off every 40ft or so.

I also box bladed my 800' driveway and his 1400' driveway of snow...and lastly I reloaded firewood onto my front porch, 3/4 yards at a time.

Loving the tractor...starts up slick with a double cycle of the glow plugs below 30 degrees. HST is perfect with the SUDT2 in there. Power steering is effortless.

I like my L3710 a lot. I have been considering upgrading to a newer but smaller L but they honestly feel a little too lightweight for me.



B2650 Cab, LA534 FEL, B2782 snowblower, Landpride GS1572 grader
Feb 14, 2015
Traverse City, Mi

I was working in extremely tight quarters today trying to get boulders placed across and area that will be "new" concrete in a few weeks. I also had to move a pile of dirt and avoid a bunch of power and water lines as well as drainage lines. I worked for about four hours and never mashed anything but for the first time I wished my tractor was smaller. Now that its over, I am glad it isn't! :)

What an amazing machine. I got so much work done by myself yesterday. A dozen 500lb+ boulders moved almost effortlessly. A huge pile of dirt relocated.

Now to finish off with some hand digging for drainage pipes...


Great looking project! Now that that the boulders are in place, will they be embedded in the concrete?

I have no idea how you get a 500 lb boulder into the bucket, but hope to figure it out next summer.

Please post photos when the yard is done.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Buckets 'N Boulders....

If they fit, the bucket is fine. These are way too large and would probably bend the bucket so I simply sling them. Its almost effortless. The belts stick to the granite like Velcro... This is a larger volcanic I slung out of the way because of the weight. The 13,000lb ratchet ($13 Home Depot) is shortened to 10 ft and the two sling bands are from Harbor Freight and ran $8 apiece.

I deconstructed an existing backyard that was mostly rock and cactus. There were over 200 boulders of various sizes. There were 48 decent large granite boulders so I started a boulder nursery and sat all the biggies on blocking. That made it cake to pick them up later. I have 65-70 smaller ones I was able to "bucket haul." And, I have another 70 or so volcanic black that got bucketed away to my shop for use there.

I'll update pics as the project gets completed. We have used the tractor a bunch during this remodel over the last 2.5 years but deconstructing this back yard in prep for the new yard would have cost us $10-15,000 alone. My wife agrees, once the backyard is done, the Kubota has paid for itself. Next Fall we start some minor upgrade to the front. Then Mr. K gets to lead the life of retirement pulling an occasional weed drag or the box scraper on the driveway. :)

Forgot to answer... The boulders will get "married" (partially buried) to the ground to make them look like they were always there. There is a real art to that and I will let the pros do that part. The concrete is a free-formed patio and the boulders will be on dirt.

Here is what we are working towards...



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B2650 Cab, LA534 FEL, B2782 snowblower, Landpride GS1572 grader
Feb 14, 2015
Traverse City, Mi
Damn. Great design and the photos really help explain what you're up to.

Once the snow melts here in a couple months, I'll be using your boulder slinging technique.


Well-known member

2020 L3901HST, LA525 Loader, 66" Q/A Bucket, PFL2042 Forks, Meteor SB68PT Blower
Mar 4, 2015
Cadillac, MI
I think I'll try slinging a few boulders, but I'm gonna have to use the 3pt boom. You guys make it look so easy with the loader. There's a good chance I won't even be able to lift mine with the 3pt.

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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

I pulled every one of these boulders out of locations where they were half-buried. The key is digging under opposing edges to get the sling straps under the boulder edge. I used a steel lining bar to break the boulders loose when needed and put a piece of wood blocking underneath the boulder. That lets you slide the strap in. With 3-400 lbs on each strap, they have a pretty good hold and as I mentioned, the granite or any rough rock sticks to the straps like Velcro.

I have no idea how you would do this by yourself without a machine. Every one of these boulders were man-handled into place originally using a big two-wheeled landscape cart. That is how my guys will place them once they figure out where they need to go. The Kubota made it cake. A couple I moved were right at the limit of the FEL.

Also wanted to add... BE CAREFUL MOVING THESE BEASTS. You can crush an ankle or severely pull muscles if you are not careful. The slings are the safest and best way. How do you decide whether to bucket or sling? After moving a couple hundred of these things, I found the safest way to move the ones by hand is to "hike" them like a football. Straddle them and roll them or wiggle them into your bucket. Keep hands and fingers clear as they will break fingers that get between the bucket and the boulder. If you cannot grunt them comfortably this way, sling them one by one. Hiking them uses a whole bunch of muscles and you are less likely to pull or strain one. Your mileage may vary. :)
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