Vaccination opinions wanted...


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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Afraid half of what you cite is incorrect. I understand people being frustrated that the knowledge of the new covid virus is incomplete, and the capabilities of the vaccines not yet fully understood, but it's no excuse for posting incorrect information.

E.g. as far as I know there is no TB vaccine, and if you are around someone with TB a mask would be a good idea . Tetanus is acquired when the bacteria enters an open wound. You remember this is the disease you might get from stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine requires booster shots. Some of the others require eating contaminated food etc to catch, and so a mask would be ussless. The flu shot requires an annual vaccination, which is not 100% effective. Its virus is airborn, so a mask would be helpful. Etc etc. Do consider learning about each one....

Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. This vaccine is not widely used in the United States, but it is often given to infants and small children in other countries where TB is common. BCG does not always protect people from getting TB.

Masks wont stop micro-aerosols that contain virus from being inhaled, reduce it a bit, but won't stop it. Masking SICK people slows the spread significantly, but healthy people get no benefit from wearing one. Not only that, but the constant readjusting of a mask with dirty hands actually increases the chances of becoming infected.
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Jun 27, 2019
Canton, Georgia
Afraid half of what you cite is incorrect. I understand people being frustrated that the knowledge of the new covid virus is incomplete, and the capabilities of the vaccines not yet fully understood, but it's no excuse for posting incorrect information.

E.g. as far as I know there is no TB vaccine, and if you are around someone with TB a mask would be a good idea . Tetanus is acquired when the bacteria enters an open wound. You remember this is the disease you might get from stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine requires booster shots. Some of the others require eating contaminated food etc to catch, and so a mask would be ussless. The flu shot requires an annual vaccination, which is not 100% effective. Its virus is airborn, so a mask would be helpful. Etc etc. Do consider learning about each one....
Copied from Facebook, so it has to be true.

Actually, I don’t care. I am over all this COVID this and mask that bs. I’ve had the coof twice. Nothing more than a normal cold to me. Felt like hell for 1 day. Was back outside working the next, since I was told I couldn’t go to work for a week.

If you want to wear a mask, wear one. Don’t force it on me.
Want the poke, get it, hell get 3. Don’t force it on me.

This is not directed at you specifically @sheepfarmer, just my opinion, which @Henro asked for.
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When she had her antibodies tested at the rheumatologist it was 5,126. The nurse said she was jealous since hers was under 500. When she was at the Dr. last week to schedule a colonoscopy the Dr. there, after hearing her medical history, said "Someone with covid could cough directly in your face and you wouldn't get it."

She had a colonoscopy 15 months ago, but they want to make sure things are still Ok.
My wife and I both had the 3 shots never was ill. I as a supervisor was around a lot of people that left early and found out, they were positive. I never got sick though. I've retired now so I don't know about the 4th shot.
Side note I'm glad your wife scheduled her Colonoscopy. In 2018, wife had the routine 1. Found stage 4 tumor that had grown into her liver as well. a lot of surgeries, chemo and prayers she is now going into her 4th year still cancer free. So much they can do now with cancer treatments.

So as far as the 4th shot I'd say it depends on your exposure. I am glad your wife is doing better though with the autoimmune stuff. I got all 3 so I did not bring anything home to my wife after the Cancer ordeal.


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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
See, thats a misnomer about not bringing it home if vaccinated. A lot of spread occurred by vaccinated because they were asymptomatic. They were infected, just no symptoms and were/are still spreading it.

I think the biggest thing about the vaccine push is that they have people believing that if someone is not vaccinated, they will spread it, which in fact is just the opposite. An unvaccinated person, when they are infected, they are at a much higher risk of actually getting sick than an unvaccinated person, so when sick, are less likely to spread it to others because they isolate.

Omicron changed all that, everyone got sick from it, some just a slight cough, while others got knocked on their asses. The few who had no symptoms were still exposed to it, but their immune system is so strong that it was like, phhfft go away. Unless you have lived in a bubble somewhere, you have already been fully exposed to Omicron.


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Dec 5, 2020
See, thats a misnomer about not bringing it home if vaccinated. A lot of spread occurred by vaccinated because they were asymptomatic. They were infected, just no symptoms and were/are still spreading it.

I think the biggest thing about the vaccine push is that they have people believing that if someone is not vaccinated, they will spread it, which in fact is just the opposite. An unvaccinated person, when they are infected, they are at a much higher risk of actually getting sick than an unvaccinated person, so when sick, are less likely to spread it to others because they isolate.
Careful, I nearly got tarred and feathered for saying the same things. We apparently speak heresy when we speak logic. Logic is lost on the non-believers.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
Afraid half of what you cite is incorrect. I understand people being frustrated that the knowledge of the new covid virus is incomplete, and the capabilities of the vaccines not yet fully understood, but it's no excuse for posting incorrect information.

E.g. as far as I know there is no TB vaccine, and if you are around someone with TB a mask would be a good idea . Tetanus is acquired when the bacteria enters an open wound. You remember this is the disease you might get from stepping on a rusty nail. The vaccine requires booster shots. Some of the others require eating contaminated food etc to catch, and so a mask would be ussless. The flu shot requires an annual vaccination, which is not 100% effective. Its virus is airborn, so a mask would be helpful. Etc etc. Do consider learning about each one....
A few years back I stepped on a nail on a Sunday afternoon. The nail went through my tennis shoe and was in the ball of my foot. I didn't realize the nail was in my foot until I heard the odd noise as I walked across the concrete apron when I got home. Nephropathy allows that to happen.

I pulled the roofing nail out of my shoe with a pliers, took my shoe and sock off and pinched my foot so it would bleed. My wife had a hissy fit and insisted I go to the local hospital and get a tetanus shot, but I refused. I did call the local hospital and had a conversation with three nurses. All three had a different opinion of how frequent a tetanus buster was required.

After a discussion, I agreed to call my endocrinologist and if he said I need a tetanus I'd go. Believe it or not, the Dr. called back in about 10 minutes. He told me to not worry about it because I had an appointment with him the next day and he could take care of it then.

The next day he told me he looked up in medical journals to see what was suggested. I am quite sure he said studies done with soldiers since WWI has shown once a tetanus shot has been administered there was no record of anyone getting tetanus. It is often considered a precaution to get another vaccination every 5 or some say 10 years, but once again, no record of tetanus for a treated individual. The 5 or 10 year time frame is what the nurses (in the hospital conversation) were in disagreement about.


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
The next day he told me he looked up in medical journals to see what was suggested. I am quite sure he said studies done with soldiers since WWI has shown once a tetanus shot has been administered there was no record of anyone getting tetanus. It is often considered a precaution to get another vaccination every 5 or some say 10 years, but once again, no record of tetanus for a treated individual. The 5 or 10 year time frame is what the nurses (in the hospital conversation) were in disagreement about.
That's very interesting. I have never heard of that. On a related topic, I know it is common practice to have your pets vaccinated every year for rabies. It used to be one and done. It has somehow now turned into a yearly thing. I wonder how many animals have contracted rabies after vaccination? Funny how practices morph over time and have no basis in practicality. (I'm guessing money has something to do with it.)
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BX23s, LA340, BT603, RCR1248, PFL1242, STB1072
Jan 1, 2022
SW Washington
Logic? Logic would have prevented Henro from starting this thread!

After listening to all of the questions that every single patient gets asked when they are going in for shots or boosters there is very likely zero chance Henro could have even got his 4th shot without an approval. They even have formulas they use depending on which jab/booster you got and your timeline is all in their records.

It’s the same for pets these days - the vaccination schedule for companion animals is significantly less than a decade ago. Same thing here - a vet is likely to try to dissuade an owner from needless injections on their pet. By all means take them in for an annual checkup but no pet is getting routine/annual vaccinations/shots anymore unless absolutely necessary. There’s a really good reason for this - they know what happens to all the skin punches from the injections on cats and dogs.


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BX23s, LA340, BT603, RCR1248, PFL1242, STB1072
Jan 1, 2022
SW Washington

Rabies vaccines for animals cost $7-20 (average cost is $12). The first booster shot is needed after one year, and subsequent boosters typically every three years.

And if you don’t live in an area with Rabbies you never have to get them a shot unless flying with them.


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL

Rabies vaccines for animals cost $7-20 (average cost is $12). The first booster shot is needed after one year, and subsequent boosters typically every three years.

OK, but is it needed?


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BX23s, LA340, BT603, RCR1248, PFL1242, STB1072
Jan 1, 2022
SW Washington
The answer is sometimes! Is your 2 yo dog always outside brawling with other animals? Does your 9 yo dog who’s likely had 2 boosters already and now just sleeps on the porch most days?

When the animal ages historically their immune systems are usually able to handle any of the nasty diseases they some across due to residual efficacy of the shot. So vets will usually taper the injections down as they get older. Remember cats can live to 20+ years.


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L2501 HST, BH77 Backhoe, SSQA Loader ZD1011 Mower
Jun 19, 2019
Decatur, AL
The answer is sometimes! Is your 2 yo dog always outside brawling with other animals? Does your 9 yo dog who’s likely had 2 boosters already and now just sleeps on the porch most days?

When the animal ages historically their immune systems are usually able to handle any of the nasty diseases they some across due to residual efficacy of the shot. So vets will usually taper the injections down as they get older. Remember cats can live to 20+ years.

OK, thanks. Yeah, my sister has a 20 year old Calico.
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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
Well here in good ol Hellinois, now your INDOOR cats must be vaccinated against rabies every year. My cat, who never leaves the bedroom. 🙄

It is recommended to get Tetnus boosters every 7 years if you are around horses. Why? I don't know, just something heard around the horse world.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I heard there is a 4th shot we SHOULD get???? Boot camp I go so many shots and after boot I dont think I can catch anything and I dont have a clue what the duce they were for.


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L4060HSTC-LE, loaded. B2410, L352 Loader, Woods BH70-X backhoe
Oct 21, 2021
It's the you must Comply shot. Papers please!

My MIL and SIL were out the other day and stopped to get something to eat and were asked for photo ID and Vax card. They both told them to F off and walked out. There is a point at which it becomes madness, and I think it has been reached. Sorry but the plandemic is over, Covid is now Endemic. If you caught Omicron, you are far better protected than you are with just the vaccine, and if you received the initial dose AND got Omicron, you are even better protected.
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
A few years back I stepped on a nail on a Sunday afternoon. The nail went through my tennis shoe and was in the ball of my foot. I didn't realize the nail was in my foot until I heard the odd noise as I walked across the concrete apron when I got home. Nephropathy allows that to happen.

I pulled the roofing nail out of my shoe with a pliers, took my shoe and sock off and pinched my foot so it would bleed. My wife had a hissy fit and insisted I go to the local hospital and get a tetanus shot, but I refused. I did call the local hospital and had a conversation with three nurses. All three had a different opinion of how frequent a tetanus buster was required.

After a discussion, I agreed to call my endocrinologist and if he said I need a tetanus I'd go. Believe it or not, the Dr. called back in about 10 minutes. He told me to not worry about it because I had an appointment with him the next day and he could take care of it then.

The next day he told me he looked up in medical journals to see what was suggested. I am quite sure he said studies done with soldiers since WWI has shown once a tetanus shot has been administered there was no record of anyone getting tetanus. It is often considered a precaution to get another vaccination every 5 or some say 10 years, but once again, no record of tetanus for a treated individual. The 5 or 10 year time frame is what the nurses (in the hospital conversation) were in disagreement about.
I think the question is, what can it hurt to get an additional tetanus shot?

If you really need it and do not get it…ouch.

If you really do need it and get it, all the better.

Make your decision, take your chances…guess I am a conservative…LOL


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
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40 miles south of Kansas City
I think the question is, what can it hurt to get an additional tetanus shot?

If you really need it and do not get it…ouch.

If you really do need it and get it, all the better.

Make your decision, take your chances…guess I am a conservative…LOL
I only stated facts in the post, no opinions. What anyone on this forum does is none of my business, and the converse is also true.


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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I only stated facts in the post, no opinions. What anyone on this forum does is none of my business, and the converse is also true.
One thing I did not pick up from your post was how long it had been since your last tetanus shot?

I always heard ten years between shots was fine. I also know several years ago when I got banged up I was given a tetanus shot in the ER, and I could not remember how long it had been since the last one.

But I did not see any negative reason not to get the shot. Especially since the price was the same. Our insurance covers everything at the ER, with no deductible.

I would probably think differently if I had to pay for a shot that was not needed, being less than ten years since the last one.

But I do wonder if there are any negative affects of getting too many tetanus shots...other than cost if you have to pay out of pocket for them.


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I had 3 shots. First one was the astrazeneca. I didnt connect my muscle issues in my legs until almost a year later. After learning the risks and responsibilities of the health care system my chances are better without the shot.
watching news yesterday, covid has strands of dna that were connected to moderna research. And canadian govt has committed to 9 shots for each canadian.
this goes very deep, conspiracy theory or not,its a crapshoot if a person will have severe reaction to the shot. .
As far as informed consent,there are nine pages of possible side effects, which the vaccine manufacturer takes no responsibility for.