Use of front bucket to raise front wheels of BX2350


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
If he uses the loader to lift the wheels off the ground, and uses something just as a safety factor, unless he is as slow as I am these days, the loader will probably not leak down before he gets the job done, and whatever he uses will probably not matter...

Kind of a LOL, because it is always best to put the load on the supports you intend to use as worst case backup. But's not like he is crawling under a car supported by hollow cement blocks...

Almost over think in this case...but it never hurts to be too safe...
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Jul 17, 2017
My old BX2350 I always lifted the wheels with the bucket, it's how I got the mower off. You can lift high enough to roll the mower out forwards under the wheels, avoids having to pull it sideways.

For putting chains on, arguably you don't even need to block it. There's no reason you'd be under the tractor, so you're just reaching around the wheels. Safer to block it anyway, but not strictly necessary to my mind if you're being careful. It's about the same level of dangerous as reaching under the bucket to get something. I try to avoid doing that (always reach over the arms of the loader, not under), but if I need to grab something I'll do it if I'm quick. Even if a hose blows I'd expect the loader to come down slowly, not instantly.