Difference was it is quieter than before and smoother to operate. Biggest difference was how much cooler the trans temps were. On my L the trans hump sticks up right between your legs and summer heat was bad. In heavy grass with 6' finish mower it was up to 70* cooler.I haven't had mine long enough to need to change it. I literally just got my first orange tractor a few months ago (20 hours on it). I was planning to, but then saw that it was only UDT compliant. Kind of figured they just didn't update or bother testing to SUDT2 standards (whatever they are). Amsoil seems to be very conservative in what they promise and then over deliver. I was hoping to run into someone on here that had some experience using it. What kind of difference did you notice? Also, what are you putting in the crankcase?
Winter time is a dream. I barely can tell any difference in it at all. No jerking or whining, operates just like it does in warm weather. And I use mine every day during the winter feeding cows.
Engine oil I use the 5w30 Series 3000 heavy duty diesel oil. Been in it year round since the first change. Cost more than others but fuel savings alone will pay for the oil. Or I guess I should say it does for me but I use a lot more fuel than average home owner does. I change it once a year, no matter the hrs.