Are the scarifiers all the way up? Not trying to be a SA but that would stop your front blade from touching. I turn mine upside down when I’m not using them to make sure they don’t touch when I don’t need them. If they are chisel down, that will stop your blade from touching in the front until they dig in.
Also, put the top link in the bottom hole on the tractor if it is not there now. That will give you more tilt forward.
Are the lifting arms dropping all the way down?
Finally, check for any “tell marks” where the mounting plates that bolt to the box blade and come together to form the top link connection on the box blade. In other words, you may have shifted those mounting plates clockwise (view from the left side of the blade) and will have to take the box blade off the tractor, loosen the mounting bolts and see if the front drops back into the correct position.