Tractor Wheel Database Somewhere?



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I'm much better thankyou! Pretty much back to normal for 67 years old. Super busy this year downsizing from an acreage to a modest house in town in the middle of a pandemic but all is good!
Something I should do as well but I don't believe I could ever get used to living around other people.


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Lifetime Member

L5450, L48, L3250, L345 never enough attachments
Jul 6, 2015
western ma
The industry terms "Transference Ratio" and "Inter-Axle Ratio" address the whole lead/lag 4wd thing. The question is how much difference is best. On tractors with "front wheel assist" 2-6% front "lead" is common practice.

From any models parts lists its possible to follow the gear tooth count from the rear drive pinion to the front axles - for example my L5450's "Transference Ratio" calculates at 1.508 : 1 (front axle turns faster). This can then be applied to the rolling circumferences of the actual front and rear rubber to get the effective "Inter-Axle ratio". For my L5450 its around 1.04 (front pulling). That's a good ratio, not outside the "skwirm" tolerance for most tires. Its still a good idea to take it out of 4wd on pavement to limit wear.

Pretty interesting subject - especially finding every bevel and planetary gear tooth count in your model so you can calculate it. Sometimes the owner's manuals publish it. More related reading here.
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