Per the B 2601 manual, I have torqued the loader frame M14 bolts to 108 lbs/ft. The manual says to repeat every 30 hours. A couple of the spring lock washers sprung. The dealership mechanic said this is not something he sees. He suggested my Dewalt torque wrench may be off. However, he has never re-calibrated his torque wrench either. I found a service to re-calibrate the instrument, but that service costs about the same as just getting a new one, about $100 with shipping. The Dewalt torque wrench is kept in its case, never dropped, and returned to “0” after every use. While the web has videos on do it yourself calibration, I can’t find instructions for adjusting this particular tool. There is no obvious adjustment screw. My local rental place rents a torque wrench for $30 a day, but admits they don’t have it calibrated. Questions: is it worth paying for re-calibration? What is the easiest, most reliable torque wrench for just one tractor? Do most people simply do “good n tight.”? Should I just buy a new torque wrench every couple years?
I used to work in the medical field. We tested and calibrated measurement instruments on a regular schedule. This is so different. Is calibration just for companies doing machine tools? Do most dealers calibrate their torque wrenches?
I used to work in the medical field. We tested and calibrated measurement instruments on a regular schedule. This is so different. Is calibration just for companies doing machine tools? Do most dealers calibrate their torque wrenches?
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