Kids can only borrow something I can afford to lose. Not allowed to borrow equipment though. Neighbor across the road and one next door can borrow what they like. If they break it, it will get replaced or fixed.
Neighbor across the road just lent his push mower to the guy in the rental on the other side of me a couple days ago. Guy used the mower for twenty minutes or so and pretty much destroyed the motor. Said he got it hung on the fence he was mowing next too. We're actually figuring instead of clipping the wire, he hooked it to his mini van to get it loose. Course, he returned it and said "sorry man". Neighbor was showing me the damage to the carb, and top of the motor, and for giggles, I flipped it on end to check the shaft and blade. Shaft was bent
Neighbor was cussing pretty good when I left.