Took the plunge


New member

L 35 TLB
Mar 22, 2010
Powassan, Ontario
Took the plunge (bought an l35)

Like it says, I have taken the plunge and purchased a well used kubota L35 TLB. Should get it here next monday. It is an older machine with 2300 operating hours. I checked it out the best I could (I am a retired army mechanic) and couldn't find more than minor faults. I have operated lots of different equipment in my time (trucks, busses, tanks, weapons carriers, loaders, recovery trucks) but never heavy equipment such as a back hoe. I am asking for any advice you may have on initial maintenance steps or basic operating proceedures. Anything! If you think I might not know or need to know something, please tell me. Waiting for your feedback!!!!
best regards
here is the listing:
Last edited:

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I'll pass along to you what my father has preached to me for years and damn it makes sense.
1. Grease is cheap and parts are expensive. Keep all grease fitting full and do it as often as the manual calls for.
2. Go slow and get in trouble slow. Less likely to do a ton of damage if you take your time and know whats going on around you at all times.

There is no real right or wrong way to operate any tractor. Just read and understand all safety and warning labels. Just have a good head on your shoulders and try not to hot rod the tractor. Which I would think a man in your position who already has a general idea of the big boy toys not to do dumb stuff on a tractor.


New member

L 35 TLB
Mar 22, 2010
Powassan, Ontario
I'll pass along to you what my father has preached to me for years and damn it makes sense.
1. Grease is cheap and parts are expensive. Keep all grease fitting full and do it as often as the manual calls for.
2. Go slow and get in trouble slow. Less likely to do a ton of damage if you take your time and know whats going on around you at all times.
Certainly some golden RULES. Your dad seems to have passed to you the same type of guidelines that have been thumped into my head over the years.

Here are a couple of more specific questions though:
- I want to get a set of manuals for the machine, how do you suggest I go about this (dealer/internet)?
- I will change all the filters and lubes as soon as I get it here, where do you guys get parts (dealer/jobber)?
- any special lubricants/fluids suggested, what about synthetic oil/lubes?
Many questions!!!

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Theres a fellow on here Service Dept Vic is the go to man for manuals. For the age of your L35 you can get go to West Kentucky Tractor and get parts from their junk yard. There was a place that used to advertise on this forum Messick but I think they had to shut that down because Kubota Corporation was bitching and moaning it took sales away from the local dealer. Some parts you can find online depending on what you need. As far as oils and lube Shell Rotell 15W-40 will be just fine. I would dare say pretty much the same things you used to maintain the big boy toys in the Army will be just fine for your L35.


New member

L 35 TLB
Mar 22, 2010
Powassan, Ontario
Theres a fellow on here Service Dept Vic is the go to man for manuals. For the age of your L35 you can get go to West Kentucky Tractor and get parts from their junk yard. There was a place that used to advertise on this forum Messick but I think they had to shut that down because Kubota Corporation was bitching and moaning it took sales away from the local dealer. Some parts you can find online depending on what you need. As far as oils and lube Shell Rotell 15W-40 will be just fine. I would dare say pretty much the same things you used to maintain the big boy toys in the Army will be just fine for your L35.

Thanks good info, how do I contact "Service Dept Vic"?


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B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California

Note to all: I have editted my original post to include the listing w pictures of my new machine.

best regards
Hey misterb,
That sure is a real nice tractor you picked :D

Welcome to this great forum!



New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
Hi Misterb. I have hauled a few things out of Brindley's for the mennonites in my area and all have been pretty happy with their purchases. They sure do have a lot of stuff. Hope it works well for you.:D Dusty


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L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
Misterb - I have owned 1998 L35 for 7 years now. They are great machines. Eric's advice is right on. I bought my service/parts manuals from the dealer and paid quite a bit. There are several other sources available and some a listed in this forum. When you change the transmission fluid, be sure to use Kubota Super UDT. That is what it came with and the tractor will not operate as smoothly if you put something else in it. Be sure to monitor the front tire pressure. The guy I bought mine from didn't and broke down the side walls. I eventually had to replace them. Watch the hydraulic hoses. The ones that came on the machine are plastic coated and deteriorate from the sun. I've replaced all of them on the backhoe and about 1/2 on the FEL. Several of them failed all at once and hydraulic fluid when everywhere. If you plan to use the BH in dirt, you'll need to turn the stablizer pads over. The sides that are down now are intended for pavement. Since I've finished my house, I am not using the BH much and using the 3 pt. hitch a lot. I've found the FEL will pick up more than the back of the tractor can hold down, even with me (220#) on it. I filled the rear tires with fluid and I made a 55 gallon drum as a counter weight and filled it with concrete. The BH is still the best in this regard. I've also managed to tear the final drive out of my transmission and had to pay the price to fix that. These are stout machines and I have not been unhappy at all with mine. I do wish I had the 4 in 1 bucket that you have. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have and PM me it you want. Good Luck!


New member

L 35 TLB
Mar 22, 2010
Powassan, Ontario
Misterb - I have owned 1998 L35 for 7 years now. They are great machines. Eric's advice is right on. I bought my service/parts manuals from the dealer and paid quite a bit. There are several other sources available and some a listed in this forum. When you change the transmission fluid, be sure to use Kubota Super UDT. That is what it came with and the tractor will not operate as smoothly if you put something else in it. Be sure to monitor the front tire pressure. The guy I bought mine from didn't and broke down the side walls. I eventually had to replace them. Watch the hydraulic hoses. The ones that came on the machine are plastic coated and deteriorate from the sun. I've replaced all of them on the backhoe and about 1/2 on the FEL. Several of them failed all at once and hydraulic fluid when everywhere. If you plan to use the BH in dirt, you'll need to turn the stablizer pads over. The sides that are down now are intended for pavement. Since I've finished my house, I am not using the BH much and using the 3 pt. hitch a lot. I've found the FEL will pick up more than the back of the tractor can hold down, even with me (220#) on it. I filled the rear tires with fluid and I made a 55 gallon drum as a counter weight and filled it with concrete. The BH is still the best in this regard. I've also managed to tear the final drive out of my transmission and had to pay the price to fix that. These are stout machines and I have not been unhappy at all with mine. I do wish I had the 4 in 1 bucket that you have. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have and PM me it you want. Good Luck!
Thanks for your informative reply! I got the tractor today. I also went into the dealer in North Bay and got a full set of filters and oils. The hydraulic oil he gave me was a Case brand, but he said it was fully compatible with kubota. He also indicated that I could use that hyd fluid in the front axle as well??

I will flip the stab pads (special thanks, as I would have never noticed that)

Looks like some of the hyd lines have already been changed on mine and there are still a couple that look suspect and I will be replacing.

I did order an operator manual from the dealer $25.00 which did not seem too bad. I have contacted service guy vic and will see about getting a parts and repair manual.

I will, no doubt, have some specific questions for you over the next couple of days.

Thanks again for your reply!!

best regards



New member

L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
Misterb - I'd avoid the Case oil. The reason is Kubota Super UDT is specifically made for the Kubota transmissions to work in cold climates. Here in the FTW area, we can get by just using Kubota UDT oil. On mine, I broke a hydraulic line late on Sat when the dealer was closed. It dumped a gallon or two out before I realized what happened. I had a spare hose to put back on (was a little too long but worked) and refilled the tractor with Wal Mart brand oil. It says on the side it meets the Kubota UDT standard. Well, it may meet Kubota's standards, but the L35 doesn't like it. It groans and shifts hard, especially when cold. I've since bought the required amount of UDT oil to change it, but I'm trying to get a large "honey-do" out of the way (2100 sf deck) first. I think you'd be much happier with Super UDT in your L35 especially in the climate where you live. Also, I used gear oil in the front end. Good Luck!


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L3400DT, 94 Dodge Ram 5.9 Cummins, 01 Fatboy
Oct 29, 2009
Platte City, Missouri, USA
Congrats Misterb on purchasing one of those fine orange machines. Welcome to the site, I have gotten lots of helpful tips from the members.