Time for Troubleshooting


New member

2150BHST / LA350
Jul 13, 2022
Wappinger Falls, N.Y.
Hello All,
So I picked up my first Kubota, a 2150BHST with an LA350A FEL with almost 1,700 hrs. Everything is all there and in good shape considering the age 1994. As I'm starting to use this I'm finding some issues that seem to point at hydraulic system performance. So I serviced it with genuine Kubota parts and drained the hydraulic fluid, removed, cleaned and re-installed the strainer and replaced the spin on hydraulic filter. Ran the unit and topped it off as the manual says. There were positive signs of previous maintenance of filter and strainer. Strainer was clean and fluid was full prior. Was not keen on the smell of the fluid, not burnt but just odd as compared to the new fluid. Kind of musty. Post service, the issues that remain are;
  1. Forward more than reverse will not always move the machine. It almost sounds as if a relief is dumping.
  2. When trying to load the FEL while moving forward, if there is any resistance, the machine will stop forward travel. I then need to reverse, and try to move forward. Increasing the rpm sometimes helps.
  3. If I try to move and use the FEL at the same time to dig into something, forward travel stops. I'm talking very slightly, no heavy loads.
This is the greatest issue I need to solve first before I can pursue any of the lesser issues. I pulled a copy of the WSM from Kubotabooks.com which shows hydraulic testing procedures and descriptions of functions and such. If this issue sounds familiar to someone which could reduce some time in the process of troubleshooting, then I'm all ears. Otherwise I'll keep the thread running as to my findings and solution so that others may benefit. Thank you in advance.


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Lifetime Member

L2501 HST
Aug 17, 2019
Benton City, WA
I'm not there to watch the process but I've found I don't need to go very deep to stop tractor motion. The best technique for me seems to be to start the cut with bucket slanted slightly down and on the ground. I'll lower bucket a bit while moving forward then begin to roll the bucket up as I go to collect the dirt followed by raising the bucket. Play with it a bit to find what works for you. Low range and four wheel drive can be a big help.


Active member

1949 Farmall M, previously owned: L 4610, BX 2230
Apr 5, 2016
Greensboro, NC
The hydraulics on these little tractors don't do much until the engine is revved up. What engine speed are you using (i.e. near idle, moderate or pretty high)?