looking for opinions on bat wing cutters, specifically, the LandPride 12' cutter. I have 18 acres that I cut with a MX5200 and I'm looking for a way to speed up the job somewhat. The cost is outrageous (approx. 12k with the 3 needed remotes) but it would save me at least a day and a half each time I cut. Just not sure if it would be worth it and would like the opinions of others that are in a in similar situation.
well - lets look at it from another point of view, IFn you were to buy another smaller tractor and had an operator to boot - it would cost you more than that!
even though the bat wing is a $$$$$ piece of equipment, one thing in life you cannot buy is TIME ......so if it takes you 8 hours (and I am making that up) and you reduce the time to four hours.....that is 4 hours saved each time you cut, and again making up numbers, you cut 4 times a month - that probably 20 cuts for you a year (guessing) so thats 80 hours of you not cutting.....
and lets say you can go through the next ten years, that is 800 hours over that time at about 15 bucks an hour......so would you pay someone to cut the time in half for 60 bucks a cutting? And if you were to ever see it, it would be worth 50% of what you paid...thus making you save precious hours and 7.5 an hour in time........
not trying to talk you into it, but at my age - time really is money, or better - time to do something else.!!