Think I'm done.


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Kubota L6060, KX040-4, M7060, RTV X1100C, M62 (sold)
Oct 28, 2018
Red Feather Lakes, CO
The only Kubota I can compare this BX to is a 1980 B7100 that my grandfather used to own. It was hands down a stronger more capable machine. No, it wasn't big iron, but it would do a lot for what it was. I thought for a sure the BX was the modern interpretation of that tractor with the addition of a backhoe. My Personal opinion is that it is not. We would get that stuck on logs, deep in the mud, you name it. We could always count on the loader bucket curl to get us unstuck.

I removed all of the shims out of my BX and run close to 2200lbs of pressure. I did notice any improvement what so ever, but maybe that is just me.
I think I am going to rent a SVL75 for a project I have and see how good it is. I was on a 95 and that thing was pretty ridiculous.
Of course its ridiculous. It is a construction machine. I looked hard at them as well. Here are a few comments:

1. Every attachment is more expensive with hydraulics.
2. Harder to repair and more expensive
3. Most farming tasks are out (plowing, harrow, seeding, cutting, etc)
4. No ground clearance, so if you need it you have to dig up whatever is in front of you :).
5. No PTO (ok well you can get a hydraulic to PTO conversion forget about the cost of a used tractor)
6. Mowers are front mounted and very expensive.

I like Skid steers and have rented them a few times. They really are awesome at moving dirt.

Chilliwack Murray


B7510 with loader and BH4672 backhoe, JD400 industrial Backhoe, B6100.
Jan 8, 2019
BC, Canada
Just my 2 cents but if the BX is too small I’d be looking at an older B series like a 75 or 7610 with low hours. A little heavier and handle a little more weight, simpler and can be had for cheap if you wait for the right deal to come along.

They aren’t that much bigger but are more of an ag tractor than the BX and have almost no electronics and no emissions to deal with. Spend the money you save on some accessories to make it more versatile and save you some manual labour down the road.



B2650 Duetz Allis 6275 CAT D6 CAT 110B
Mar 2, 2020
So glad I passed on the BX23S, Had my trailer hooked up and ready to make a deal when Kubota decided to change their incentives mid term which pushed me away from new. I then found a very low hour B2650 and so glad I did as now after using it I know I would have been extremely disappointed with the BX.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
The only thing I can say about my BX is I should have gotten it sooner, and just so you know that little byich works for a living. From pulling logs 14 to 18 inches out of the woods, mowing of course and I mow more of a field than a lawn, push dirt, stone, snow and to doing things it probably shouldn't be doing. And yep a middle buster to pull wires and water line in. Is the BX a small machine it sure is, you are the part that makes it do the job! You have to think each job through, each step and do it. Just cause you think you need a beast to do a job, it might not be the tool but the user,,, just saying


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B2650 BH77 LA534 54" ssqa Forks B2782B BB1560 Woods M5-4 MaxxHaul 50039
Jan 3, 2019
Hadashville, Manitoba, Canada
I have a B2601 and although the lift capacity could be higher (B2650 would be be perfect) I can still move 1,400 pounds of firewood 3' - 4' off the ground as shown. I was also able to lift full buckets (60" light materials bucket) of river rock to max height to dump over a fence.

I chose the B2601 over the B2650 because the B2601 was lighter. I keep my lawn like a golf course so minimizing turf damage was my top priority.
My B2650 barely lifts 500 kg or 1100 lbs to the height you have that bin of firewood. It's rated for 534 kg so that makes sense, but your smaller tractor lifting 1400 lbs like that? I'd guess more like 1000 lbs, unless you've weighed it!

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk


Well-known member

BX23-S,57 A-C D-14,58 A-C D-14, 57 A-C D-14,tiller,cults,Millcreek 25G spreader,
Apr 2, 2019
This gets down to choosing the RIGHT tool for the RIGHT job. I know my BX23S won't lift 7000#, that's what the forklift is for.... I know my BX23S won't power my 5' rototiler that's whatmy A-C D-14 is for...I know my BX23S is GREAT at doing the little jobs in tiht quarters and that's WHY I bought it...



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I keep reading the thread title and thinking to myself, I sincerely hope non of us are done in regards to the current situation....



Sold B7100 and purchased a B2150 with FEL
Mar 25, 2016
Lincolnton, GA
I know this comparing apples and oranges but I have a 1998 B2150 that I have beat on for over four years and it or a newer B series would be the best compromise between to small and to big. We have a small horse farm and The B2150 has done everything asked of it and more , even buried a horse with it. The loader is rated at 750 pounds and although that in itself is not great it has met my needs. I know I’ve have had it over loaded with gravel and it never grunted to lift it.

Now the high end on the tranny in my opinion is only good for getting from point A to point B. You won’t do much work with it or at least the tranny is telling me that. I have a finish mower for trimming the pastures but don’t use it for the 3+ acres of lawn because I have ag tires. I also have pulled a 12 disc harrow with-it and I have a 6/10s of a mile private road to maintain and it does well with a four ft box blade. So in short the B series might be the best of both worlds.
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multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
Just my 2 cents but if the BX is too small I***8217;d be looking at an older B series like a 75 or 7610 with low hours. A little heavier and handle a little more weight, simpler and can be had for cheap if you wait for the right deal to come along.

They aren***8217;t that much bigger but are more of an ag tractor than the BX and have almost no electronics and no emissions to deal with. Spend the money you save on some accessories to make it more versatile and save you some manual labour down the road.
Not a bad suggestion.

I have a B1750HST with Bi-Speed Turn and a 60" MMM that I bought new in 1993. My B1750 has been the most satisfying purchase of my lifetime. It has been absolutely wonderful.

Last week I saw a used B7100 (immediate predecessor of the B1750) with 525 hours, a 60" MMM and several other implements in my local CL. I looked at the ad, not because I'm in the market but because it looked interesting. This one was one-owner, had always been kept inside and looked new. The package was priced at $6,500 and it was obviously worth it as it is no longer listed. They don't sit around long. Funny, I can't remember whether it had a FEL. My B1750 does not.

Edit: Found it. Still available and no FEL. Not mine and not associated.

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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
SDT, that is a clean tractor! I can't believe he removed the ROPS and is actually selling the tractor that way.:D



B2650 Duetz Allis 6275 CAT D6 CAT 110B
Mar 2, 2020
quit messing with the little guys move up to an L3000 series. it will do more work than you can imagine
But it will play havoc on my lawn and won't take my MMM.........;)

(Have my Duetz Allis 75HP 4X4 to do the real stuff) :D


Well-known member

multiple and various
Apr 15, 2018
SDT, that is a clean tractor! I can't believe he removed the ROPS and is actually selling the tractor that way.:D
Yes, it looks like a dandy, but my B1750 is better.

I've never seen the tank apparatus in front of the radiator. Maybe it's a self contained hydraulic unit for the front blade???

He is selling it with (detached) ROPS.

The first thing that I did when my B1750 arrived was removal of the ROPS because I drive beneath trees. Of course I still have it and will reinstall it if and when I sell it.

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