The power of a Woods backhoe on B2410


New member
Feb 14, 2020
I have a b2410 with front loader, currently my local Woods dealer is getting me a quote on a Woods 65 with subframe. What kind of digging power can I expect with this set-up? Main use would be for digging a few trenches for water lines, have multiple retaining walls to build that need footings dug, a few fruit tree stumps to be dug out, and a runoff ditch to maintain. Plus cutting pad into the mild hillside occasionally. Plus potentially digging up my septic leach lines. With the relative low weight and smaller size of the b2410 is this reasonable? Don't want to waste my money


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
I have a b2410 with front loader, currently my local Woods dealer is getting me a quote on a Woods 65 with subframe. What kind of digging power can I expect with this set-up? Main use would be for digging a few trenches for water lines, have multiple retaining walls to build that need footings dug, a few fruit tree stumps to be dug out, and a runoff ditch to maintain. Plus cutting pad into the mild hillside occasionally. Plus potentially digging up my septic leach lines. With the relative low weight and smaller size of the b2410 is this reasonable? Don't want to waste my money
Two days and no reply!

I have a B2910 which is the same size as the B2710, so probably one size larger than your tractor. I have the Kabota BL 4690A backhoe. It can do everything that you say you want to do. I would imagine that the backhoe you are considering will be satisfactory for your needs.

The only thing is, digging stumps takes time. You don’t say how big the stumps you’re talking about are. The stump in the following picture was a 24 inch diameter pine. It took me about four hours to get it out. That included time cutting the large roots with a chainsaw after cleaning the dirt off pretty much.


Hopefully someone more familiar with the specific backhoe you are considering will chime in and give you more specific answers.

edit: might have been 20”. But you get the point...;)
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New member
Feb 14, 2020
Thanks for the info. Got a quote in with the woods dealer now. Still little concerned about the potential digging power. Might just have to pick the right time of year to do bigger jobs


Well-known member

B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
The backhoe is powerful enough to cause expensive damage to your AG SCUT that wasn't designed to be a construction TLB.
I doubt he will be trying to do the kind of work you can do with your M59!

Agree that one can likely damage any piece of equipment with abuse. BUT the OP is buying a backhoe that will have a sub frame, and will pretty much be sized correctly for his tractor.

In my case, I have (gasp) a 3PH backhoe. Many horror stories of damage to tractors with a 3PH backhoe. I have used mine a lot, over the last 18 issues...but maybe I do not abuse it. I do work it pretty good though.

I recently bought a mini ex of the same vintage as my tractor, to use in place of my backhoe. Just got tired of putting the 3PH backhoe on and off. Figured more convenient to have a stand alone unit, which may also be more functional, although the digging specs for reach and depth are about the same as my backhoe...

Tughill Tom

Well-known member

Dec 23, 2013
Turin, NY
I have a Woods BX 70 BH on my B3200 with a sub-frame and a mechanical thumb, Zero issues. It will dig just about anything your planning on doing it just may take a tad bit longer.