Out here in God's country, not much changes and that is fine with me. I think the worst thing to ever happen was the invention of the cell phone and the Internet. I miss the party line and pay phones.
Like I said, I don't dwell on things in the future in as much as at 70, my tenure is limited. I take every day as a blessing and when I open my eyes in the morning, I'm thankful for another day.
My retirement is very secure, don't worry about it at all. My intent is to spend every cent I have and leave nothing for my children or family to squabble over and what I have is all accounted for in my Last Will and testament.
Money is the root of all evil. The lubrication of hate and deceit. Got to have it but in my case, spending it is of utmost importance. How I go hunting every year.
On my bucket list is an African big game hunt and a Hawaii Axis deer hunt too.
People in general spend way too much time mulling about the future. In my case, I don't. What happens is beyond my control, I just take it as it comes and disregard the things I'm not interested in.
Like your thread on the Titan rockets and nuclear warheads. Totally out of my control but interesting reading none the less.
Knowledge is a wonderful thing but knowledge always comes at a price and humans being able to rationalize makes knowledge a dangerous thing because humans, by their very nature, make it that way.