The Best Radiator Flush???


New member

M 4030 SU Tractor
Dec 8, 2010
I need to flush the radiator on my Kubota M4030su. What would you recommend to remove rust and other gunk??? I have heard that Prestone makes a good radiator flush. I have also heard that Cascade dishwashing detergent was great (but I don't know if it will remove rust). Also, do I need to "back flush" the radiator? What are some of your ideas???? Thank You Belah

Eric McCarthy

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Lifetime Member

Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
I've always just drained my radiator juice into a container then shove a garden hose in the top of the tank and turn it on full blast to flush out anything in there. Also I'll kinda do like a rinse and repete thing, I'll close off the peacock at the bottom of the tank fill it up with water til it over flows out the top then crack the bottom open and let it flow.

I dont think that dish soap would be a grea idea. You'd spend all day trying to flush soap out of the tank and never fully get it all. I sure as well dont want soap geting into my engine!

Orange Tractors


L175 w/Woods L59, Allis Chalmers WD
Jul 19, 2009
Butler, MO
I've tried quite a few of the radiator flush/cleaners that have been on the market in the past thirty some years. I was never really satisfied with any of them, they didn't seem to get the radiator as clean as I thought they should, (looking into the neck of the radiator).

Last summer when I had to clean the radiator of my L175, I tried a couple of old fashioned remedies that I had heard of from old mechanics:

1. straight vinegar. fill the radiator with vinegar and run the engine until it heats up, then drain and flush with water. It worked about as well as most of the commercial flushes.

2. washing soda. Made by Arm & Hammer, found in the laundry section of a decent grocery store. Mix it with warm water then fill the radiator, run the engine for a while to let it circulate. This worked the best of anything I have ever seen, the inside of the radiator actually looked clean. Not shiny copper colored, but it was clean with noscale visible.

I should mention that when I drained the washing soda mixture, I got the nastiest looking stuff I had ever drained from a radiator. Don't let it get on your clothes.



New member

B8200, G1800
Apr 13, 2010
Milton, Ontario, Canada
"2. washing soda. Made by Arm & Hammer, found in the laundry section of a decent grocery store. Mix it with warm water then fill the radiator, run the engine for a while to let it circulate. This worked the best of anything I have ever seen, the inside of the radiator actually looked clean. Not shiny copper colored, but it was clean with noscale visible."

Yeah thats a good one! Will have to give it a try. Thanks.