Well I finished the tater patch,, and to say it was a bust would be a gross understatment. A friend from the Lodge brough over his poatoe picker, a really neat little machine ,hooks up to the 3pt and PTO and you drag it behind down the row, and if digs deep enough to pull the taters up and then they go back through a shaker that knocks off the dirt and tops,, it works really well. This year for what ever reason the Yukon Golds I planted tops started to die off about 2 weeks ago. Maybe lack of rain to hot what ever, I know they have a 100 day growing season but it seems a bit early this year. Anyways he brought it over yesterday and I hooked it to lil orange and off we go,, Since about 2009 I have been averaging any wheres between 150 to 200 pounds of Yukon Golds in the patch about an acre in size and donate them to the local food bank through the lodge. Anyways the first row wasnt anything to write home about the second was even less and it went down hill from there. If we got 60 pounds I would be supprised. I guess the question Im asking is has anyone else had a bust on taters or had the tops die off early?
The county agent hasnt gotten back to me yet so I was wondering
The county agent hasnt gotten back to me yet so I was wondering