For the record ............
there is absolutely no proof that using synthetic oil before the ol' break in period will not allow the engine parts to meld together.......
another absolutely completely frabricated lie that was made up by the people or persons that were selling conventional oil.....
synthetic oils are not magical .....they are not "slicker" - they do not run around faster in the oil pump.....
simply put - it does a better job of lubricating the moving parts.....and maybe more importantly , lasts long BEFORE is loses the effects of lubricating moving parts.
it gets dirty just like regular oil, and flows ( well ....debate here) like regular oil.....
you can start with it, change it to dino oil, change back to synthetic......blah blah blah....
it cost more cause it helps more and lasts longer .......
I drove 475 miles today to buy a gun GMC truck (yessss....running synthetic oil) thanked me all the way there and back!