Switch/Glow Plugs

In Utopia

Active member

L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
Today's problem.
What is the correct way to check the switch that sends power to the glow plugs?
Right now I know the glow plugs are good.
I know the indicator wire is broken.

Would it be possible to jumper the indicator just to see if that's all that's wrong with it?

Electricity is not my friend, my brain (what's left of it) says stop when I try to troubleshoot electrical problems.



B2620 w/LA364 FEL ,BH65, ssqa , 1982 B8200E w/BF300FEL
May 19, 2013
Middle of DELMARVA
I'm not positive but I think that indicator (cigarette lighter coil) is in line to the glow plugs and if its broken the gp's don't get current.
Edit: looked at wire diagram for my b8200 and there's 2 wires that come off that terminal of the switch one is direct to the gp's the other is for the indicator.

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In Utopia

Active member

L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
I understand that, question was the procedure to test the switch, and if I jumpered the coil would that work.

Just answered my own question, put a jumper wire across the cigarette lighter waited one minute fired right up, problem solved.
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Russell King

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Lifetime Member

L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
If I recall correctly the indicator also reduces the voltage to the glow plugs so if you jump over it you may burn out your glow plugs. I think I saw that on a thread here on OTT so you may search for that to verify or read your schematic to see if it has a voltage shown at the glow plugs.

The indicator part is available from the dealer, I bought one for my L185F about a year ago.

Russell King

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L185F, Modern Ag Competitor 4’ shredder, Rhino tiller, rear dirt scoop
Jun 17, 2012
Austin, Texas
Glad you got it figured out.

I think to answer the original question "how to check the switch" I would have disconnected the first glow plug wire taken a volt meter and connected its red lead to the glow plug lead and the black lead to (a very good) ground. Turn on key and then turn glow plug switch to heat position to see if you get any voltage. That would not isolate the indicator but would tell you if you had voltage at the glow plugs.

Moving the red lead closer and closer to the switch would finally get to a position with voltage. In your case, on the side of the indicator that was closest to the switch.