SURVEY: Chattering 3 Point (going up)


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Survey of Orange Operators...

: My L3800 has a known issue of chattering while lifting a load on the 3pt. Kubota knows about it. My dealer knows about it. Kubota is saying its normal. My dealer thinks its dorked up and took a video for Kubota which is almost comical. When lifting, the tractor bounces so hard and fast (about 2 ") you can almost see light under the wheels. Zero finesse. If you slam the lever full up, it will transit smoothly. Try to lift the implement a tiny amount and the 3pt jerks it up 2 inches.

Question: Anyone else out there with a L3800 or similar have this issue? If you do, have you tried to resolve it under warranty? Anyone else have this issue with another L-Class Kubota? The Grands are reportedly exempt, for some reason (better engineering perhaps?).

I know we have a bunch of L3800 and L3200 operators on this forum. Just wondering what you guys are experiencing...




New member

L3800 HST w/ loader, Land Pride 72 in. FM, 8 Ft Disk, 6 Ft blade, 6 Ft rake,
Dec 13, 2014
I have the l3800 HST. I also have the jerky three pnt. hitch. I have not tried to resolve it but I have notice that it is less jerky as it breaks in. Mine is not as bad as yours. I would assume that all dealers know about this issue. It seems that some people are able to get a resolution and others are not. Please keep us updated as to the outcome so that others may try and get there tractor fixed.

How many HRs. do you have on your tractor. I have aprox. 120 hrs. When I first got my tractor I was so upset. I did a ton of research and it seems that Kubota seems to think that it is normal or ok for it to jerk. But they have repaired and or replaced some components to help some people out. Its seems the best resolution is to get a part from the grand L series and install on standard L series. I can't remember what the part was, maybe a valve. Any how this is Kubota owners biggest complaint that I have found on the net for the L series. Again good luck in finding a resolution.
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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
This isn't a new issue- there have been threads here for years about it. Kubota does know about it, and it's my understanding that there isn't a clear solution, other than checking the pickup tube and looking for cracks. On many tractors, this helped, but not on all of them.


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M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
I guess this is one of the issues when you don't buy top of the line. I have learned to live with my L not being the smoothest thing around.

I guess you can't expect to get silk when you pay for cotton.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Kubotas. But when it comes to controls, JD beats the pants off the orange tractors.


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2014 L3200 DT w/LA524 FEL, 2019 Kubota Z121S w/ 48" Pro Dec, TG1860G w/RCK54TG
Mar 21, 2014
Guin, AL
I have a L3200DT with 82 hours. Yes there it is a little jerky when going up slowly but nothing like what CaveCreekRay is reporting. It does not come even close to lifting the wheels off the ground. If mine did that, it probably would have gone back to Kubota.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
I guess this is one of the issues when you don't buy top of the line. I have learned to live with my L not being the smoothest thing around.

I guess you can't expect to get silk when you pay for cotton.

Don't get me wrong, I love my Kubotas. But when it comes to controls, JD beats the pants off the orange tractors.
I agree. I love Kubota's, and I would buy another one. BUT, I would do that knowing full well that Kubota has substandard 3 point hydraulics. Other manufacturers build tractors in the same size and price ranges, and have smooth, position control 3 points. It is disappointing that Kubota doesn't address this, much less keep putting out tractors with notchy 3 points.

Disclaimer- I'm not trashing Kubota and promoting JD. Just stating the obvious. On the other side of the coin, Dad's $44,000 JD comes without telescoping stabilizers or end links- the same size Kubota comes with them standard. The things that manufacturers will do to save a buck.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Kinda like HD not saying that the baggers have a tank slap issue


Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
How many HRs. do you have on your tractor. I have approx. 120 hrs.
Mine has 180 hours on it. It was fine when I got it with 126 hours but something has gone South on it since. I didn't use the 3pt for the first 6mos I had it, just the loader.

The point is this: A 3-point hitch is the main working aspect of a tractor. They all come with 3-points, correct? A loader is an option where a 3-point is standard equipment. If they are building more and more of these things with known defects without doing the research to figure out what is going on and why, then they are exhibiting gross negligence and corporate malfeasance. Someone is going to have to pay for repairs down the road. Its a lot cheaper to pay for 500 than it is 10,000.

This isn't over...

Any other models out there exhibiting this behavior?


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Disclaimer- I'm not trashing Kubota and promoting JD.
My thoughts as well. I don't want people to think I'm talking down on Kubotas. They lack in certain areas and lead the pack in others. I guess if a person really stands back and looks no one brand / model / series is hands down the best. Each and every one can stand for some kind of improvement somewhere. :rolleyes:

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
As far as I understand the jerky 3pt is a draw back to the Standard L series Kubotas. L3200-L3800. No reports and complaints about the newest models from the 2015 line up.

If your front wheels are coming off the ground when it happens to you, is your loader still on. Or do you have weights on the front if the loader is off?

That's the first time any of us here have heard about it being that violent.


Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
No, its the rear wheels.

The heavier the load, the more violent the shaking. With a 400lb scraper on the 3-pt, the service writer said, "We thought we were seeing air under your rear tires." Its actually painful to your spine to get slammed if you are not sitting erect.

The dealer finally got tech support to help them upload the video to Kubota USA. I guess new phones have 1080p video and cramming all those jiggly-bytes into the "Intranet-pipe-thingy" took some effort. Now, they have a really good look at what is happening. Lets see what Kubota does...

I have a really great letter that is going to the corporate head of Kubota USA and the Head of Kubota Japan if this doesn't get fixed. I'll post a copy here too.


New member

L3700SU, box blade, 6 foot rhino blade, 1 bottom plow, 3 point receiver hitch.
Mar 24, 2012
Goldendale, WA USA
Survey of Orange Operators...

: My L3800 has a known issue of chattering while lifting a load on the 3pt. Kubota knows about it. My dealer knows about it. Kubota is saying its normal. My dealer thinks its dorked up and took a video for Kubota which is almost comical. When lifting, the tractor bounces so hard and fast (about 2 ") you can almost see light under the wheels. Zero finesse. If you slam the lever full up, it will transit smoothly. Try to lift the implement a tiny amount and the 3pt jerks it up 2 inches.

Question: Anyone else out there with a L3800 or similar have this issue? If you do, have you tried to resolve it under warranty? Anyone else have this issue with another L-Class Kubota? The Grands are reportedly exempt, for some reason (better engineering perhaps?).

I know we have a bunch of L3800 and L3200 operators on this forum. Just wondering what you guys are experiencing...



Yes, I too had this issue (L3700SU)...early L3800. It was resolved under warranty. You can search my prior posts on it. Fundamentally, I was told the same thing. "It's normal." However, after they realized I wasn't going away and insisted on factory rep intervention, I eventually got a new valve under warranty. The factory rep OK'd it and admitted that it is a known issue.

My post will even list the valve number that was replaced under warranty.

You can also try adjusting the up/down control somewhat to attempt some relief. Ours works smoothly now with the new valve in it.

My thoughts are that when you have a large, heavy object on the 3 point and you still have bouncing, this is a SAFETY ISSUE, not a fitness for purpose issue. In order to get any kind of action, you have a few more options:

1. Factory rep intervention. (This may not be in person but behind the scenes). However, Kubota does know about this issue. The dealers don't want to jeopardize their relationship with Kubota either, so factory intervention is crucial. Press this issue as quickly and civil as you can. Insist on Factory Rep to inspect or give the go ahead to replace your valve.

2. No result? Check with your State Attorney General's office and find out about registering a safety and warranty issue with them.

3. Keep detailed records of who contacted, where, when and any documentation you can document this issue in order to receive the proper warranty result. Video your issue if you can.

4. All else fails and you're out of warranty, you may want to purchase the Grand Valve and replace your old one at your expense. It is fixable, it's just who pays for it.

Good Luck,



Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Thanks Burt,

I grabbed the new part number (YR908-00105) off your post. I will pass on the number to my dealer and also suggest they inquire about the Grand valve. Your post was two years back and I would think any company worth their market share would have resolved this problem by now. The fact that they are still making these with problems tells me they haven't bothered to resolve it.

Stay tuned...


New member

L3700SU, box blade, 6 foot rhino blade, 1 bottom plow, 3 point receiver hitch.
Mar 24, 2012
Goldendale, WA USA
Thanks Burt,

I grabbed the new part number (YR908-00105) off your post. I will pass on the number to my dealer and also suggest they inquire about the Grand valve. Your post was two years back and I would think any company worth their market share would have resolved this problem by now. The fact that they are still making these with problems tells me they haven't bothered to resolve it.

Stay tuned...

Good on ya! IMHO! These factory reps are like ghosts. When I requested the reps phone number, the dealer bristled and said that couldn't tell be done. SO... I gave them my e-mail and phone number and requested a timeline of one week for an answer to them or me. I got an authorization from the factory rep delivered by the dealer. The ghost came through but you have to never give up with these guys.


North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Do you have a warranty on the tractor?
I know you bought it used, that's why I ask.


New member

L3750DT Shuttle, L3800DT FEL both
Jan 11, 2012
Success Missouri
Survey of Orange Operators...

: My L3800 has a known issue of chattering while lifting a load on the 3pt. Kubota knows about it. My dealer knows about it. Kubota is saying its normal. My dealer thinks its dorked up and took a video for Kubota which is almost comical. When lifting, the tractor bounces so hard and fast (about 2 ") you can almost see light under the wheels. Zero finesse. If you slam the lever full up, it will transit smoothly. Try to lift the implement a tiny amount and the 3pt jerks it up 2 inches.

Question: Anyone else out there with a L3800 or similar have this issue? If you do, have you tried to resolve it under warranty? Anyone else have this issue with another L-Class Kubota? The Grands are reportedly exempt, for some reason (better engineering perhaps?).

I know we have a bunch of L3800 and L3200 operators on this forum. Just wondering what you guys are experiencing...


Ray, none of the basic L tractors raise the 3 pt smooth when raised Very Slow, most will jump about 1/4" at a time. This is normal... Yours jumping 2" is not normal. The bad ones I've seen on youtube are jumping about 1" and that's no good either.

I've also heard of other brands doing this as well. My mom has a small Massey that is very jerky.

My L3800 although slightly jerky has not been a problem at all.

Hope you get results...


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
I guess I'll have to wait for this to kick in. My L3200 raises very smooth small or large amounts. I'm having a hard time seeing why it would be jerky.

Could it be an HST vs. DT issue? Implement weight?

I've never had anything super heavy back there, just the box scraper and the LP 1260 mower... Hmmmm....


New member

L3750DT Shuttle, L3800DT FEL both
Jan 11, 2012
Success Missouri
I guess I'll have to wait for this to kick in. My L3200 raises very smooth small or large amounts. I'm having a hard time seeing why it would be jerky.

Could it be an HST vs. DT issue? Implement weight?

I've never had anything super heavy back there, just the box scraper and the LP 1260 mower... Hmmmm....
It has to have an implement and has to be raised Very Slow to show the jerkiness. I'd have never noticed it on mine if I hadn't read about it on the interwebs...

Like I said, mine isn't a problem and isn't jerky at all in real world use.



L3800, LA524 loader, BH77 backhoe, thumb, box blade small wood lot log grapple
Sep 26, 2014
Chase, Alaska
I have a 2010 L3800 HST.
It had 195 hours on it when delivered in mid-Oct.
Was able to put 10 hours doing some three point box blade work before the ground got too hard and noted the 3 point lifted and dropped fairly smoothly.
No known history with the rear valve, replacement or?
Will have more time to play this summer and will report here.


Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

Yeah... 13 more days of factory warranty (2-year loader to hitch) with one year left on drive train.

Status Update: Talked to Dealer rep yesterday. The video made a huge impact on the regional rep from Kubota. Mine is one of the worst they have seen. Kubota wants to test my tractor so the dealer has shipped test equipment up from the main service facility and are going to manufacture some lines to splice in pressure gauges to the valves. They are going to start with measuring main pump output pressure and also measure the pressure through the valves to determine which one is causing it. It may be that one is affecting the downstream valve. Anyway, that should be done today or tomorrow. My hydraulic tech is a young guy with tons of experience on huge Case equipment. He is dying to teach Kubota a thing or two. If the Kubota suggested tests don't reveal anything, they will dismantle the valve block and replace all the seals as well as the exterior mount valve assembly.

Starter Clacking/ Intermittent no start: That problem was isolated to the limit switch on the HST pedal. It was adjusted way too tight and any movement whatsoever would partially engage one of the "lawyer switches" resulting in clatter -or silence. He adjusted those way out and said its much less likely to reoccur. At least now I know what it might be if it returns. Keeping the HST pedal linkage clean and lubed will help. I thought that was odd because when hooking up my 3-pt, I liked to push the pedal to back up or move forward the tractor slightly while hooking up. That made it much easier (until I get my Ken's hooks). It must have not engaged the switch then because, since my service visit in September, it never quit like it did when I first got the machine. Nearly every time I would come to a stop and get off the tractor, the engine would quit because the HST pedal was activating one of those "lawyer" switches.

Stay tuned...