So brand new to forum and ownership. Have operated many brands on rental basis but finally brought my own home. Its a L3400D circa 2010. I then purchased a like new BH77, before purchasing I contacted local dealer about compatibility and subframe, came off a newer L3901, with Subframe BH4988. So they indicated BH77 was fine would need to add the remote and need a different subframe BH4976A. Sure not a problem. I assisted with the removal of the other subframe, figured I could list and sell to defray the new purchase. When I was under the newer machine and compared mounts it seemed similar enough to at least try and line up on my machine... Well everything lined up and appears to fit. I, I have not tightened anything up yet, I probably would have already tried to mount the BH but I still don't have the hydraulic kit. So I thought maybe the mounting spread would be different but it seems like it will fit. Does anyone have thoughts/experience/insight on this? I sent an inquiry to Kubota US Tech, not sure if/or when I will here back from them. I know part numbers can/will change for basically the same part and often happens when they improve on a part, like say made this subframe more heavy duty - but if that were the case you would think the dealer when he looked it up would have pulled the newer part number?!?