Stuck hydraulic oil filter


Well-known member

Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Glad you got it loose.
Just for future reference, WD-40 is not really a penetrating oil. "WD" stands for "Water Displacer". If you have a wet distributor cap preventing starting, flip it over, and spray the inside with WD-40 to get to the "Start" condition quicker.

Everyone has their favorite "panther pee", and I have sworn by Kroil. Good stuff.
Then, lugbolt turned me on to PJ-1, which is a bicycle shop cable lubricant. The claim is that it has superior penetrating ability. I haven't tried it yet. I have a case on back-order.

Then again, I try to stay away from rusty fasteners. About 20 years ago, I bought a 1970 Dodge pickup out of the Mojave Desert. When I disassembled it, I was blown away at how ALL the fasteners abided by their factory torquing. Even the bumper bolts. I'm moving to New Mexico. Find me in Farley.

KROIL ++++++++



L3130 GST, FEL, Taylor Way BH W/Subframe, Rotary Cutter, Pallet Forks
Mar 20, 2016
Evansville, IN, USA
I second the use of the end cap on filters that are really stuck like yours. I recently bought one of the spring loaded, adjustable end cap type and it does not work very well. The dedicated sized ones are the way to go. They don't work with the Fram filters with the "gripper" material glued around the end. The increased circumference keeps them from fitting.

I also like strap/chain wrenches but have had the strap wrench start bending the filter, and once they are deformed your options start to dwindle if it doesn't break loose.

I've also used the knock a screwdriver through it method, and depending on thickness, the hole would start to tear.

Glad it worked out for you.