Strange problem that is hard to describe with my bx.


New member

2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Hey guys,

I apologize in advance on how odd this is going to sound. And the title should have said problem, not prove... (tiny cellphone vs my fat fingers)

I finally had a nice day to go outside and "work" with my bx2370, I ran around with the box blade for an hour or so, no problems. So then I dropped off the boxblade and hooked up my mower deck.

My yard has a slight slope to it because of the septic tank, and when I drive along it with the left side of the tractor on the upside. As soon as there is the slightest tilt I get a rubbing tire feeling all the way through the machine, you can even feel it in the HST pedal. The only way I can think to describe it is imagine running your hand over top of the R4 tires.

I stopped the tractor and got off and looked under it as I thought something must be rubbing on the tire. But I can find nothing.

I dropped the MMM and tried it again. Same thing.

But... if I turn around and go the oposite way. With the left side on the lower side of the slope. The feeling isn't there.

It also seems to feel like it's doing it if I turn left. But not when I turn right. I'm at 37 hours on it since I bought it. And I don't recall having this when snowblowing over the winter.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

MODERATOR NOTE: Title corrected now.
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Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Check your motor ;) there have been numerous posts about the motor hitting the frame when the tractor is on an angle one direction, but not the other. They usually note an unusual vibration noise though.

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2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

I'm out here now, grabbed the top of the motor and tried to shake it around. There is a tiny bit of play in each direction. I'm assuming it's the mounts that allow it to wiggle.


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Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Check your tire pressure...


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2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

How can I post .wav files to the forum? There is a definate sound difference on each tilt.


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L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

drew,, common complaint, my 2670 does the same thing. Haven't found the cause yet. Probably have to removed the complete engine cover and watch it while moveing. Haven't done that yet..


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Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Hey guys,

I apologize in advance on how odd this is going to sound. And the title should have said problem, not prove... (tiny cellphone vs my fat fingers)

I finally had a nice day to go outside and "work" with my bx2370, I ran around with the box blade for an hour or so, no problems. So then I dropped off the boxblade and hooked up my mower deck.

My yard has a slight slope to it because of the septic tank, and when I drive along it with the left side of the tractor on the upside. As soon as there is the slightest tilt I get a rubbing tire feeling all the way through the machine, you can even feel it in the HST pedal. The only way I can think to describe it is imagine running your hand over top of the R4 tires.

I stopped the tractor and got off and looked under it as I thought something must be rubbing on the tire. But I can find nothing.

I dropped the MMM and tried it again. Same thing.

But... if I turn around and go the oposite way. With the left side on the lower side of the slope. The feeling isn't there.

It also seems to feel like it's doing it if I turn left. But not when I turn right. I'm at 37 hours on it since I bought it. And I don't recall having this when snowblowing over the winter.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Right tire low?


New member

2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Tires turned out to be good.

I did find this tho once I took the hood off. They look like some sort of spacer. That isn't so evenly spaced.

Left side.

Right side.

On a slight tilt the right side hits the frame.
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L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Lightly drive a block of wood in between that and the frame and see if the noise goes away. May need to cut some off the too long piece if that is what's makeing the noise.


Jun 30, 2015
kington, ohio
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

My 2670 does that if I'm leaning left on a hill. Lean right and no problem.


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2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

I'm guessing it's a slight design flaw. I'm guessing thoes parts are there to stop the motor going to far.

I tried the wood, as soon as it turned on it dropped the wood out.

Daren Todd

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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

I remember seeing at least another thread on the subject. If I remember right, one member glued/ attached in some fashion an piece of rubber in that spot to cut down on the noise.

A piece of an old yoga mat or work out mat would probably work pretty good in there. It would just be a matter of figuring out how to attach it so it stays in place :D


New member

2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.


My little BX turned 50.0 hours this weekend :D

So, Putting a Wood Shim between that bar and the frame sorted out the noise when on the slight angle...

Seems there is also another "issue" going on tho.

When in 4wd, and the Wheels turned are on an angle a little more then this / or \ , there is a grindy ratcheting sort of feeling, but with wheels straight it's gone, in 2wd it's also Not there. This seems to do it in Fwd or reverse. I drive on my lawn or gravel Driveway. I checked the front fluid lvl, And it seems to look "ok" I don't recall feeling this when i was snowblowing in the winter. is this a normal thing? (Figured I'd ask here before bothering my dealer)

Also, Could a MOD Please change the title of this thread to be "Problem" not "Prove"? lol

Thanks in advance.
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Daren Todd

Well-known member
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Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Your other issue is common with a 4wd. When turning sharp on harder surfaces you are feeling the slight difference in gear ratio, and gears meshing in the front end. I bet if your in some soupy stuff, where the front tires slip some you won't feel it. My 09 GMC, and the shops f250, and f550 will do that when transitioning from a slippery surface to hard surface when turning in 4wd ;)

Just take it slow and easy, when you feel that, and disengage the 4wd
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New member

2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Thanks for the info Daren, :)
I'm Guessing that I Will be out of 4wd more then In it seems :confused:

I had the 4wd on because I needed the traction for digging into the gravel pile i got yesterday. I'm wondering if the correct procedure is

1) Drive up to the pile
2) Enable 4wd
3) Fill Bucket
4) Backup & Disable 4wd
5) Go to the site & Dump.
Rinse and Repeat as needed ?

Grouse Feathers

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Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Your other issue is common with a 4wd. When turning sharp on harder surfaces you are feeling the slight difference in gear ratio, and gears meshing in the front end. I bet if your in some soupy stuff, where the front tires slip some you won't feel it. My 09 GMC, and the shops f250, and f550 will do that when transitioning from a slippery surface to hard surface when turning in 4wd ;)

Just take it slow and easy, when you feel that, and disengage the 4wd
Daren, you are mostly right, except the gear ratio actually helps. When you turn, the front wheels have farther to go than the rear wheels. The gear ratio helps with this some, but as you turn sharper the rear wheels track further inside the track of the front wheels and binding occurs in 4wd. While our tractors our designed for 4wd I usually run in 2wd unless I need 4wd. 4wd can also be hard on the lawn as even turf tires can pull grass when they are forced to slip.


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2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

SO, long story short - your video is .......normal! :):D;)
Ah thanks for confirming that.. After thinking i was on to something.. it turns out what i was on to, was I actually have no idea how it is supposta work to begin with.:eek: lol

oddly.. tonight i went to try the turning problem out again.. and it wasn't doing it as loud tonight as it did yesterday... I'm starting to think this is all in my head, and normal for BX's...

What i suppose i should do is go to the dealer, and test drive another one they have.. if it happens with theirs.. i should just accept it as normal. :eek:

Grouse Feathers

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Feb 16, 2015
Lovells, Mi
Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

Thanks for the info Daren, :)
I'm Guessing that I Will be out of 4wd more then In it seems :confused:

I had the 4wd on because I needed the traction for digging into the gravel pile i got yesterday. I'm wondering if the correct procedure is

1) Drive up to the pile
2) Enable 4wd
3) Fill Bucket
4) Backup & Disable 4wd
5) Go to the site & Dump.
Rinse and Repeat as needed ?
It depends. How hard is the ground between the pickup and drop points? How far are you traveling and how much turning? How well are you balanced, do you have enough ballast for a loaded fel? (Read this thread if you are unsure of the ballast and the reasons for ballast) Sometimes with a load on the fel you want to be in 4wd because you can lose traction with the rear tires, and it can be more difficult to stop or move in 2wd.
You already know the feeling of the steering binding, you need to use your own judgement on when to continue in 4wd and when to take the time to shift in and out.


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Re: Strange prove that is hard to describe with my bx.

When in 4wd on hard surfaces try to avoid sharp turns, minimize wheel spin when loading bucket and if you find it powering out select a lower range.
If you arent using ballast, get some. It increases safety and helps with liading bucket. May not need 4wd as much.


New member

2017 BX23S TLB
Dec 16, 2015
Thanks for all the Info Guys :)

So, the one at the dealer does the same grinding when turned (doesnt sound as loud to me on theirs) So, my conclusion based on the dealer show model, and members here, is this Problem is in my head. My BX is acting just as it is supposta. :eek:

I was using my 60in Box blade as Ballast on the back, I had no issues with the weight in the bucket trying to lift the back.

As for the frame hitting the the motor mount... After many different Search terms.. And a hour reading the results to find the one that had the problem in it.. I'm going to go with the Cutting a bit of black fuel line down the middle and sticking it on the Tab that's hitting the frame as a buffer. that was one of the mentioned fixes on a BX25 I believe.

I guess the question left to be asked is,
When in 4wd.. and I get that grindy/binding noise, is it breaking something or is it just unhappy?

Thanks again for everyones help, :)