Stink Bugs


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Ever have one of those day when you should just sit someplace dark and hide curled up in a fetal position? Today was one of those days most everything I touched turned to that soft brown squishy stuff! After everything I did turned up broken of I cant fix,, I go into the garage, and flip on the lights,,,,, WTF:confused: nada nothing,, awww man now what,, back in the house checker the breakers for the garage main,,, ok that's good,, back to the garage,, start flipping breakers,, try anything at this point,, ok I have lights,, wait whats that sizzling sound,, not a good sound from the inside of a panel,, flip the main it stopps,, ok pulled off the cover,, everything looks ok,, flip the main, and sizzzzling oh oh this is not good,, flip main off, and start takeing out breakers on at a time,, they all flip ok put them back in and WOW I got lights sort of,, ok I gat a bad breaker, wire it into another on,,, sizzzzzzle ,,WTF???? so I pull every breaker out and what to my wondering eyes should appear but stink bugs hundreds of %$$!@^*&^# stink bugs,,,
ok I get every thing out and I flip the main on,, good no sizzle after fooling around I got power to a plug and plugged in the compressor and I started to blow these little bastards out of the panel,, the more I forced air behind the buss bars the more come out,, I get the shopvac and started sucking them out and blowing them out,,,, the little SOB's were against the buss shorting out everything a high resistance short to ground. I got I bet a double hand full out of the box, then snapped the other breakers in place and as of 1/2 hour ago everything was working,, Im gona go get something to drink I think,,,, I hate stink bugs



BX25, 60" MMM, 3 point hitch, 60" front plow, 48" Phoenix rototiller.
Jan 21, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pa
I have a gas string trimmer that I haven't used for a month or so. About a week ago I cranked it up to do some trimming. What to my wondering eyes should appear but a stream of stinkbugs jumping out from all parts of the engine housing including the exhaust.
My wife has a plastic 1 liter bottle with the top 1/4 cut off and taped upside down into the bottom section of the bottle. It acts like a funnel so that when she sees one around or in the house she touches the bug from below and it drops through the funnel into the bottom in which she has a soapy water solution. They die! She is a first class stink bug killer except for the high ones which she recruits me to take care of. They also destroy a good bit of our fruit and vegetables which really ticks her off.


New member

B7100D TL and B2150D TLB
Jun 5, 2013
Phoenix, AZ
Ever have one of those day when you should just sit someplace dark and hide curled up in a fetal position? Today was one of those days most everything I touched turned to that soft brown squishy stuff!
Heh, you should spend a day with me sometime, make you appreciate how good you have it. ;) I've been on a run like that for seems like a year now. My friends are even making fun of me about it! One called up the other day to accuse me of hanging at his house, he had such a ridiculous string of bad luck, he thought I had to be nearby. I told him it was contagious and could be passed on by simply talking on the phone, followed by, "So, what did you interrupt my steak hot off the grill to talk about?" He hung up on me... :eek:


Well-known member

BX2230D - RCK60-22BX - BX5450
May 18, 2010
Hayward Wi
Just what is this stink bug? I've heard people describe 1/2 dozen different bugs as "stink bugs". Do you have a pix or a link?

Tire Biter

Active member

B 2601 434 loader MMM, bunch of tractor stuff . Ford 4600
Jul 10, 2012
Up to about five years ago, I never even seen a stink bug. Now we have them everywhere. I think they're government drones and that's why they stink.



BX25, 60" MMM, 3 point hitch, 60" front plow, 48" Phoenix rototiller.
Jan 21, 2012
Pittsburgh, Pa


Well-known member

BX2230D - RCK60-22BX - BX5450
May 18, 2010
Hayward Wi
Here's a link. These are Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, an import that has no natural enemies in this area. It is different than the native stink bug which were never in great abundance.
Thanks, we have something similar here but not like those. The ones we have do not cluster up and are ok to have around.
Now those chinese lady bugs/beetles are another story. Those are a real pest and have a foul smell when you kill them.