Steering issue B7100


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
I am having an issue with steering on my B7100. As you are sitting in the drivers seat, I can turn as sharp as I want to the left, but to the right I can't go very far at all. Nothing is broken, bend or loose in the external steering system. I am the only driver and I haven't hit anything to cause something to break internally in the steering box. Any ideas on where to start looking for issues? I am able to engage and disengage the 4 wheel drive system and I know both front wheels spin, I am guessing something broke in the steering box. I have read those can be expensive repairs.




Well-known member

B2410, B7100dt, B7500,Woods BH750,Landpride 2660RFM, Tiller, B2781 Snowblower
Apr 26, 2010
Alfred Maine
The first thing I would check for is ice inside the steering box. Do you leave the tractor outside? If yes then you probably have gotten water inside and with the extreme cold it has turned to ice. If you can't get the tractor inside to warm it up use a heat gun on the box to melt any ice. The B7100 steering box has a drain plug. Pull the plug and see what comes out. If it is not water/ice causing the problem something has failed in the ball nut inside the box.


New member

Mar 12, 2016
Franklin, KY
I'd bet on the ball nut having lost its bearings. I had the same issue on my B7200E due to the steering box being full of water rather than gear oil! One of the tubes that holds the ball bearings inside the ball nut had frozen & split, and that hampered turning to the right. Eventually, those bearings caused havoc with the lower shaft bearing and caused me to rebuild it.

It's not too expensive to repair. I opted to rebuild it myself after I found a kit on eBay for $155 vs. a complete replacement for $296. The replacement was a rebuilt steering gear box with sector shaft, steering shaft and steering tube, so it's probably a fair price. But honestly, I'm glad I chose to rebuild it myself. It's not hard (just make sure you get it really clean inside!) and there's a video I used for a Yanmar box (probably same gearbox manufacturer by looks) that made it easy to set preload & backlash.


New member

75 L175, 14 toro timesaver, Landpride boxblade, countyline auger
Nov 9, 2017
Beaver, PA
My L175 has a similar issue - no turning left when below freezing..and once it runs a bit and warms up (15 min) it turns left just fine.

Plan is to change the gear lube (80/90w) but I didn't see (in the workshop manual ) a drain plug...just a fill. tractor never's been kept outside..but no clue what may have occurred on the previous owner's 40 years of ownership.

I'll check for a drain plug...

The first thing I would check for is ice inside the steering box. Do you leave the tractor outside? If yes then you probably have gotten water inside and with the extreme cold it has turned to ice. If you can't get the tractor inside to warm it up use a heat gun on the box to melt any ice. The B7100 steering box has a drain plug. Pull the plug and see what comes out. If it is not water/ice causing the problem something has failed in the ball nut inside the box.


Jan 13, 2013
Clay Center, Kansas
This first noticed this problem in October/November. I didn't think much about it at first. I haven't been using my tractor much since it has been so dry, the grass went dormant.

I house the tractor inside, 95% of the time.

Can I easily open up the steering box and see if the ball nut is broken?



New member

75 L175, 14 toro timesaver, Landpride boxblade, countyline auger
Nov 9, 2017
Beaver, PA
on the L175 there is no drain plug..

teh box ass'y bolts to the top of the trans housing, the right side has a plate with four bolts and nut for adjusting free play.

The cover I suppose could be pulled to drain it..need a gasket for reassembly.

May try to suction out from teh fill hole..if there's water in there it should be visible (gray oil)

Maybe best to pull the fill plug and heat the box and boil off the water...heat gun ontop of a hot engine should do a good job...maybe propane torch if I can verify there is water in there.

Since it only happens when sub freezing, and the colder the worse it is, and when warm it goes away, water (aka ice) sounds likely...although odd.


Well-known member

B2410, B7100dt, B7500,Woods BH750,Landpride 2660RFM, Tiller, B2781 Snowblower
Apr 26, 2010
Alfred Maine
If you need to disassemble the steering box, do not use a pickle fork to remove the pitman arm. Use a jaw style puller. A pickle fork can break the sector shaft inside the box.