Sorry Media


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
Anyone who thinks that one party is less crooked than other, has their head buried in the sand so far that the sun will never shine. They all should go to jail and have to pay their own room and board.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
There are a few good people that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt where their loyalties lie. You will soon find out who these "good" people are.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
I'm on an entirely different forum where Epstein and Mifsud have been discussed in great detail.

I know that Epstein is pivotal concerning Clinton and others, why I say he will mysteriously die in jail before he has a chance to spill his beans.

Klinton, Inc (as well call it), makes the dirtiest politicians look like angels.

What amazes me is / was the constant barrage of outright lies about Trump by high ranking government officials, I still remember them swearing that it was all true and in reality it's all a fairytale

Nothing more than a failed coup attempt.

Heads need to swing.


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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
When the lights come on the cockroaches run you might get one or 2 but most make it to safety


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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
I think politicians that endorses free education, pay off old student loans, free medical...and never considers who/where the funds come from are WAY off base, if their concern is really for the people.

In Kansas each county sends out a form wanting to know each utility cost, ins. paid, income (basically everything you have on your tax record) on any commercial property. They need it for something important, I'm sure (like paying for their give-a-ways). I save them in a certain file.

If every one gets one free lawnmower and one free tractor every 5 years, who wouldn't vote for them? Politicians are manipulators of the human mind.

Trusting them would be equivalent to trusting a skunk won't spray you when you see him in the hollow end of a dead tree, and stick you head in there.


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MX6000 HSTC; 2020 Kubota Z421KW-54 zero turn mower
Jun 9, 2015
One day a man decided to hike up a high mountain. It was warm on the bottom, but he knew it'd be cold on the top, so he prepared.

Halfway up the mountain, he saw a rattlesnake. He knew it was dangerous, so he backed away...but the rattlesnake spoke to him and told the man he needed help. He said he'd die if he couldn't make it to the bottom where it was warm. He begged the man to help him, promising the man he would not bite him if he helped him. The man took pity on the snake and carried him in his coat to the bottom of the mountain where it was warm. As he went to set the snake down, it promptly bit him and filled him with deadly venom. The man, angry and dying, demanded of the snake why it had bit him after he helped him and promised it would not bite him.

The snake replied coldly..."you knew what I was when you picked me up."

Let's not forget this story as we consider electing politicians who want to give away our money and take away our guns and our rights. We know what they are...let's not pick them up.



L3560 HSDC
Oct 17, 2016
West Michigan
When the lights come on the cockroaches run you might get one or 2 but most make it to safety
^^^ This ^^^
The scape goats have already been determined. The "set-up" plans and cya documentation is probably already established (along with back up plans). It may even seem very contrived - they are not as smart as they think they are - but they always have the media in their back pocket for cover and obfuscation.

As I get older, I get more cynical; but with reason.

If they all got caught, there wouldn't be many left to run the government. Probably a good thing, but there are to many hands in the pot for them to allow it to go to far. If cavecreek's scenario is correct, then Nunes may just decide it would be to disruptive, and release none of it or a small portion. The rest may get leaked out, but then it will be suspect and labeled "made up conspiracy theories". But you have no idea how much I hope you are right, and everything comes out into the open. We'll see as this unfolds.

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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Cynicism is the result of experience. It's totally understandable. The result can be to totally turn away and shut down, essentially giving up. That is a big aim in the effort to derail our Republic. Don't let them succeed. Stay at least peripherally interested. Or they will win.

Did you know that the term "conspiracy theory" was coined by the CIA in the early 60's after the Kennedy assassination as a way to derail legitimate conflicting stories?

Did you know Project Mockingbird was a CIA program to control the media by providing them an "official" story to run with? It has since been superseded by another program that does the same thing, outside the CIA. When you hear montages of MSM talking heads saying the exact same sentences, that is why. A friend of mine has a daughter that works in a TV station and their orders are READ ANYTHING OFF THE AP WIRE VERBATIM.

Another CIA program was MK ULTRA. Initially, it was a 1960's program to get acid into widespread use among the younger population, which was very successful. Later, it morphed into far more sinister efforts to control people using special drugs. It was widely used in the later days of the Vietnam war. Many believe the rash of public shootings that all follow the MK formula may in fact be MK programs though, it is also believed that while the CIA MK program has been closed down, other members of our society have undertaken these methods in house and use them to control the "headlines."

Notice a common theme in the three examples above? The next 12 months will explain why and how and who could make this happen.

Please research any of these topics for yourself but do not do so using Google. The algorithms at Google intentionally steer you away from good links that DuckDuck will pull up. Compare and you will see. Ask yourself, "Why?"

I took the oath to uphold and defend the constitution of the United States three separate times. Many of my family and friends did as have many of you. All our congressional leaders have taken this same basic oath.

When we leave the military or law enforcement, or an elected position, you never rescind that oath. If you were honest in taking that oath, it remains a cornerstone in your belief system, however jaded or cynical you become.
It was this belief that something just didn't make sense to me that drove me to do years of research. What I found out after going down the Rabbit Hole was simply, much of what I believed was so was not. My brother is 72 and he did his own research and came to the same conclusions as me. That is the key of what is termed, "The Great Awakening," getting people to stop being spoon fed talking points from a media that is not doing their job.

My "awakening" began in 2004 when W Bush was running for his second term. I heard a montage of about 20 media talking heads all using the term "gravitas" and I asked myself, how can it be they all came up with the same rarely used word to describe the president? It was not by chance.

The media is no longer upholding any of their obligations as the Fourth Estate. They are simply a thinly veiled propaganda arm of the power brokers who own the stations and networks. The Epstein scandal will ensnare them too over the next year. They will be unmasked.

I'll quit now because this story is just beginning to finally unfold. To all the weary observers out there, please have faith and stay connected. We need everyone to stay awake over the next 12 months. What this country is about to experience is unlike anything since the initial revolution against mother England. But the result will be no less important to our survival. And as you watch events unfold abroad, know that this story will play out across the globe. It truly is a worldwide effort.

If you want some links that will put this in perspective, and resolve some of the understandable confusion, shoot me a PM with your e-mail. Especially if you think I am nutso. I won't argue with you. I'll just point you in a direction to do your own research. Knowing why things are unfolding as they are will be a lot more comforting than waking up to headlines that defy years of MSM propaganda. Don't be a sheep. Be a Sheepdog.

God Bless every one of you.
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Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Team Trump released this this morning...

Bigger [slam-dunk] charges coming?
Public understanding of events just around the corner.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Ray when I see them shuffling chained and shackled together in orange jumpsuits, I will know something has gone sideways till then I have to figure its business as usual. Someone has to take a fall but it wont be any of the big players


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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
This is an awful thing to say, but I haven't watched national news in years.
It just ticks me off. I know except for election day, nothing I can do about what those idiots do.

Sent from my QTASUN1 using Tapatalk



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
This is an awful thing to say, but I haven't watched national news in years.
It just ticks me off. I know except for election day, nothing I can do about what those idiots do.

Sent from my QTASUN1 using Tapatalk
Not awful at all. I don't watch or read crap the legacy media puts out but then I'm not a Limbaugh fan either. Limbaugh and Savage and Hannity are all well paid entertainers, nothing more and a whole lot less.

I've gotten to the point where if it's not directly in my face, I tend to ignore it. One, I'm too old to get my panties in a twist over things I have no control over and two, I really don't GAS.

Life goes on out here on the farm just like it did yesterday and most likely will be unchanged tomorrow.


Well-known member
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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Wonder why we haven't heard more about this in "the news?" Many witnesses are now reporting that three men in black entered the store together just before the shooting started.
Simple answer again... Because the legacy media chooses to ignore pertinent facts and just report what suits their fancy, sells advertising and demeans the current administration.

I heavily discount any public news, especially CNN.

I always thought news outlets (and print papers) were supposed to report unbiased news. I don't see that happening today as everyone of them wants to impart a 'spin' on everything. Professional journalism has degraded to the point where journalists are on the same level as a door to door vacuum cleaner salesman.

My prime example is the Toledo Blade. Supposed to provide unbiased reporting but sure comes across as Democrat biased. Only thing it's good for is the coupons. I don't bother reading it. Good for cat box liners too.:eek:


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Now there are screenshot showing that the shooter's MyLife page was changed following the shooting to represent a Republican and a Qanon follower.

If Qanon was such a "conspiracy theory," why even bother? Because it's way more than that.



M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
Now there are screenshot showing that the shooter's MyLife page was changed following the shooting to represent a Republican and a Qanon follower.

If Qanon was such a "conspiracy theory," why even bother? Because it's way more than that.
media manipulation Ray. Nothing more and a lot less.

Did you read the Dayton shooters 'manifesto'? Interesting. He killed his own sister prior to the shoot 'em up at the Kettering bar.

I'm afraid it will only get worse as loose minds are swayed by the legacy media.

Of course it will be lamed on Trump and the gun grabbers will have a field day, spurred on by the media and the Democrat idiots that are running for President.

Glad I live in the middle of 'nowheresville' Nothing much changes out here, the sun come up and it goes down just like clockwork.

Don't have to worry much about wackos' and at the slight chance one may happen by with ill intent, my 125 pound black chow will tell me as he gets a piece of him or it as the case may be.

I have absolutely no desire to live in an urban or even a suburban area. I have no patience with idiots in general and none with anyone who wants to play God.


Lifetime Member

7030SU MX 4700
Sep 29, 2015
Eutaw AL
My brother was cleared of everything. This is a summary of what happened. He stopped a car that was stolen, the guy in the car was wanted for a murder, he had his hands under something, my brother told him to show his hands, he pulled his hands out and put the car in drive, my brother stepped back and shot the tires out, when he got the car stopped, there was a dead person in the car that had been there for 2 days. This guy had killed her husband and kidnapped her, at some point he killed her. I would like to see one of those SOB's in the media walk up to a car knowing the guy in it was wanted for murder.
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M9000HDCC3, M9000HD, Kubota GS850 Sidekick
Oct 28, 2018
bet that car was starting to stink....

One profession I would never want to be involved with..... LE.

Glad it all came out ok for him.