Lifetime Member
B6000DT / B7100DP /B8200DT/L225/Globe PTO Chipper/Lewis Backhoe/huxley TR66
hi all
nice to be back after a few weeks of mad non stop work.
Having trawled through a lot of threads here on the subject of mowing grass, here is my solution to large scale mowing in our garden and paddocks.
As you may all know, we have a nice little B6000 with a small range of extras such as loader,backhoe etc , but i've been on the lookout for a decent mower (cylinder based) for cutting a large flat area to a reasonable finish.
I didnt really want a rear 3pt topper or flail (or any rotary blade) tobe honest as we have a suitable rideon mower that does the same job.
Anyway, since the B6000 is at the lower HP end of the range of the B
series tractors there are not many options to be honest, let alone any hydraulic powered units, well until i found this little gem.
It is a huxley TR66 hydraulic reel mower for compact tractors, (also know known as a Sisis TR66 )
It has a 66" wide cut by using three 24" cutting heads and at 72.5" wide in transport mode it is perfect for smaller machines, weighting in at 465 lbs (210Kg) it is well within the lifting capacity of the B6000 rear end hydraulics.
Approx 3 acres per hour cutting at 6mph.
I purchased it via ebay on a private off ebay sale though for £300, which , to be totally honest was a real bargain given it great condition overall and that the blades/cylinders etc were all very good also, no hyd leaks etc and included its own PTO gearbox and hyd pump.
There was another bonus with this purchase in that the pto gearbox and pump are generic and can be used on other pieces of machinery such as a backhoe etc, or anything else neading a pump and geabox taken from the pto shaft.
Now then the the sharp eyed guys out there might be thinking , B6000 & anticlock PTO = major hassle and more extra cost, not so. The gearbox can be run either way up depending on application and tractor fittment and the pump flow direction is changeable by simple reversing of several parts of the pump as standard from the factory, so to be compatible with most applications you may encounter.
I drained the fluid down, removed the pump reversed the pump body and the inner section and thats was it,pump back on and oil refilled, job done 1 hour max.
Front end was very light so made a custom weight bar and put on approx 80kg worth of weights (from an iseki) , that did the trick.
fitted on the b6000 in minutes and its all working nicely, spent a little time reading the manual and then making sure the whole setup was adjusted correctly for our appliction, what more can i say otherthan , i'm well pleased with it.
It leaves a fantastic finish to our lawns and paccocks and in a fraction of the time of our other machines.
I've found it is best to use in 1st gear (high range) at half to 3/4 throttle, although second gear is fine but you can get a small amount of ribbing if the grass has got a bit longer , but if cut regular it is not an issue .
Anyway , thats my little bit of "living with a B6000" again and hope its of some help to other b6000 users or any other compact user to be honest.
The manafactures manual does give fitting specs for a lot of compact including the kubotas etc especially the B7100 etc as standard.
heres some pics, i may repaint it later to match the b6000.
On a separate note, i had also made previously a custom fit PTO guard out of thick steel which has cat 1 lugs on either side for my backhoe subframe to hook slide onto an also integrates in to the side mounts on the rear axle hosuing to really beef up the rear end, theres no flexing in that area now....
nice to be back after a few weeks of mad non stop work.
Having trawled through a lot of threads here on the subject of mowing grass, here is my solution to large scale mowing in our garden and paddocks.
As you may all know, we have a nice little B6000 with a small range of extras such as loader,backhoe etc , but i've been on the lookout for a decent mower (cylinder based) for cutting a large flat area to a reasonable finish.
I didnt really want a rear 3pt topper or flail (or any rotary blade) tobe honest as we have a suitable rideon mower that does the same job.
Anyway, since the B6000 is at the lower HP end of the range of the B
series tractors there are not many options to be honest, let alone any hydraulic powered units, well until i found this little gem.
It is a huxley TR66 hydraulic reel mower for compact tractors, (also know known as a Sisis TR66 )
It has a 66" wide cut by using three 24" cutting heads and at 72.5" wide in transport mode it is perfect for smaller machines, weighting in at 465 lbs (210Kg) it is well within the lifting capacity of the B6000 rear end hydraulics.
Approx 3 acres per hour cutting at 6mph.
I purchased it via ebay on a private off ebay sale though for £300, which , to be totally honest was a real bargain given it great condition overall and that the blades/cylinders etc were all very good also, no hyd leaks etc and included its own PTO gearbox and hyd pump.
There was another bonus with this purchase in that the pto gearbox and pump are generic and can be used on other pieces of machinery such as a backhoe etc, or anything else neading a pump and geabox taken from the pto shaft.
Now then the the sharp eyed guys out there might be thinking , B6000 & anticlock PTO = major hassle and more extra cost, not so. The gearbox can be run either way up depending on application and tractor fittment and the pump flow direction is changeable by simple reversing of several parts of the pump as standard from the factory, so to be compatible with most applications you may encounter.
I drained the fluid down, removed the pump reversed the pump body and the inner section and thats was it,pump back on and oil refilled, job done 1 hour max.
Front end was very light so made a custom weight bar and put on approx 80kg worth of weights (from an iseki) , that did the trick.
fitted on the b6000 in minutes and its all working nicely, spent a little time reading the manual and then making sure the whole setup was adjusted correctly for our appliction, what more can i say otherthan , i'm well pleased with it.
It leaves a fantastic finish to our lawns and paccocks and in a fraction of the time of our other machines.
I've found it is best to use in 1st gear (high range) at half to 3/4 throttle, although second gear is fine but you can get a small amount of ribbing if the grass has got a bit longer , but if cut regular it is not an issue .
Anyway , thats my little bit of "living with a B6000" again and hope its of some help to other b6000 users or any other compact user to be honest.
The manafactures manual does give fitting specs for a lot of compact including the kubotas etc especially the B7100 etc as standard.
heres some pics, i may repaint it later to match the b6000.
On a separate note, i had also made previously a custom fit PTO guard out of thick steel which has cat 1 lugs on either side for my backhoe subframe to hook slide onto an also integrates in to the side mounts on the rear axle hosuing to really beef up the rear end, theres no flexing in that area now....
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