Snowblower questions

A. Forester

New member

1802dt (Sunshine) + log trailer + back blade
Aug 27, 2009
Sutton, Québec
I am looking for a snowblower to put on the back of a 28hp Kubota, and I have no idea what I need. I don't even know how wide I can handle. I will be clearing about 250m² (2500 sq.ft.), with heaviest snowfall of perhaps 18 inches of wet snow, and usually a lot less. Any suggestions?


Well-known member

BX24, A1000 Kubota Generator
May 27, 2009
Hardisty, Alberta
Are you putting it on your L1802dt...... if so Id suggest no wider than 50 inches. Not much fun if its not at least as wide as your tires though!!
Ed Service


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
I have a B8200 hst and I run a 4 ft single auger blower in mid range on the hydrostat. It is a bit to narrow for the tractor so I am just going to build small wings to widen it about 3 inches. The tractor has no problems with the blower whatsoever. In wet snow I bump up my pto speed. it will actually blow water. The only thing is you have to pay a lot of attention to your blower because of the extra rpms. The B8200 is 19 or 20 hp. It is harder with a standard transmission. With hydrostat you can inch into a big bank of snow without bogging the tractor down. With a standard tranny sometimes even low low isn't low enough.And 18 inches of snow will slow you down.:D