Just a quick update:
Had another decent storm this week. About 12" of actual snow, with high winds blowing more drifts of 24-30". This time around I went out during the blizzard and cleared the drive before the drifts got over 18", and then did it again that night after the snow was done. The only other adjustments I made were:
1) Greasing the heck out of the interior of the blower to avoid clogging
2) I adjusted/rotated the 2 impellers so that they were perpendicular to one another - that way only 1 was trying to eject snow at a time.
What a difference!
I cut right through up to 18", full width bites, ejecting snow 25ft into the yard! PTO speed 1, reverse 1, in Lo gear. Slow and steady won this race for sure! Just chugged my way down the 50yds of driveway, never had to adjust the throttle, no slipping, no clogging, just snow flying!
So, I've learned to not let it pile up too high, don't wait too long and let it get wet and heavy, grease is my friend, and I can clear some serious snow!