Sliggish B6200


New member

l2550,b6200, b5100
Mar 30, 2010
Orange, Calif.
Just acquired a B6200. It had been sitting for 6-7 years uncovered.

It started up ok, but didn't have any power and only worked in low gear. I drained the hydraulic fluid and cleaned /replaced the 3 filters per the service manual. The fluid drained out water for the first couple of cup fulls from both lower drain plugs. The two cleanable screen filters were very dirty as well. Installed new replaceable filter. The tractor is now running in all gears but still very sluggish. No transmission pieces visible but there were some shaveings

Should I try to flush and clean/replace filters once again? A friend has loaned me a compression tester to see if engine is in good condition. I will also remove the gas tank and do a thorough cleaning.

Has anyone had any experience with lack of power on a hydrostatic tractor like this?

Thanks for any input.


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
I'm with sockpuppet, perhaps the brakes may be dragging.

For the HST, flush the crap out of it! You found water and shavings. You are gonna have to get the moisture out the best you can.

For the shavings don't worry so much about those, it's chunks and pieces that you need to be concerned about. Unless the shavings amount to a spool of yarn.

Each time you flush this thing take a magnet and drag it around the old fluid and see what you come up with.

How is the clutch working? There is also a good chance the clutch may be rusted together. When tractors are stored for a lengthy period the clutch pedal should be held down. Usually it's with a block of wood wedged in the pedal link under the platform.

Again, flush the crap out of that HST. You are gonna give the fluid manufacturer a temp bump in stock price. In between each flush drive the tractor forward and reverse, flush and repeat.

If the tractor started up ok after sitting for that long I wouldn't be so concerned about compression yet. The lower the compression the harder it is to start. Bad enough compression and you will not even be able to start the engine.That is not what's bogging down your tractor.

Even if the brakes are not set, then there is the possibility the drums and shoes are rusted up and creating one hell of a resistance. It sat for a long time and rust and corrosion are on a non stop march to help mother nature reclaim your tractor.

Jack up the back end and try to hand rotate the back wheels and check for excessive binding from the brakes.

.......Or, if you don't have jacks, try this.......

Try to drive the tractor and when you are moving push the brakes and see what happens. Not much happening? Repeatedly and forcefully exercise the brakes full travel while trying to keep the tractor moving the best you can.
See if things start to free up.

Does it have a front end loader? If it does how does it respond: poor - fair - good? Check it with the engine rpm ramped up high. Also, how would you rate the 3 point hitch travel?

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Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
If it's been sitting that long I guaranty that it has grown algae in the fuel. After cleaning the tank out I would put about 4 oz of marvelle mystery oil in with the clean fuel to help remove what's left and get the fuel system cleaned up. Even if that's not the problem it won't hurt anything to do this. It will just add some lubricity to the fuel.


New member

l2550,b6200, b5100
Mar 30, 2010
Orange, Calif.
Re: Sluggish B6200


Thanks much for all the great advice. I am sorry to admit my mechanical know how is weak. However, my 21 year old son somehow acquired a mechanical gene. He will sure appreciate all your sage advice.

I will keep you posted- son should be able to understand the rusty clutch and brake concerns etc.

Tires took a beating sitting for all that time as well. Flat and badly cracked but trying to hold air. May need suggestions for good buy on tires?

The tractor does not have any attachments, so can't test the power of hydraulics. Have a dream about someday installing a front end loader... Son is hesitant -but if your suggestions do the trick on the power issue, I think I can win him over on the idea...

Thanks for being there


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Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
I like the idea of using a magnet in the drained oil;); however, I'd take it one step farther.

When I change Hydro oil I insert a mechanic's pick-up magnet into the transmission case (where the filter screen was inserted) and wiggle it around fishing for metal bits that may not of adhered to the screen upon removal. Works great and gives me a little more piece of mind:rolleyes:.

Will In Tx

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L3400 HST/FEL, Box Blade, RTV 900 Camo, ZD323 Zreo Turn Pro Mower + More
Mar 21, 2010
Rosharon, TX. USA
Did you change the HST filters also?
Uh....yeah like Bulldog said good idea to do the fuel mix
HST pump working well?

Still like to know how the pressure test came out. pass/failed?

New tires too??? Oh geesh, how long that Kubota been sitting?????


Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
It's a shame how some people treat their orange. My first Kubota was a 77 or 78 B 7100 DT. It had been really abused bad before my Dad bought it for me. I didn't care how it looked. I fell in love with that little orange machine. I was only 12 or 13 then and that was the best gift I ever had. I named it Do-Do for 2 reasons. For 1 it looked like "do" from all the former owners abuse and 2 I thought it could "do" anything. So "do-do" was mine. It had a broken hr meter when we got it and was showing 1300 hrs. We replaced it with a new one and I used it for 16 yrs and put 4200 more hrs on it. I made a mistake one day and drove a new Kubota. Everything was so nice and shiny. The power steering was so smooth and easy to use. In a moment of weakness I traded my little ride in on a new one. The next day after the dealer brought my new tractor out I thought I would go see my first love to say good bye. The salesman said a man followed their truck into the lot and bought do-do as soon as he heard it run. I still get reports of do-do sightings from time to time. If that true it 33 yrs old now and still running. These little tractors will last forever if they are taken care of.


New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
I am assuming that it is NOT the engine that is losing power. Does the engine rpm's (speed) stay the same or close to the same whether the tractor is sitting still or going forward or back. I am amazed that the tractor runs at all after sitting so long. You should be able to hear the engine sound change when you press the forward or reverse pedal. I am also assuming that it is hydrostatic drive ( 2 screens and a filter ). But it still has a clutch. Could be clutch slipping. If it was the brakes it would be a fairly easy fix. Clutch not quite so easy. Hydrostatic transmission broke?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Dusty


New member

l2550,b6200, b5100
Mar 30, 2010
Orange, Calif.
Re: Sluggish B6200


Completely flushed and cleaned the fuel tank and replaced with new fuel filter. And Mystery Oil -Bulldog

Worked the tractor as best we could given there are no attachments as yet. Son (200 lbs) held onto roll bar and skidded behind. Unit would pull him on level ground but only in lowest gear. Higher gears he can stop it. But hey, this is a tremendous improvement from when it first arrived!!! WIll probably drive it again today and then drain and replace/clean filters.

Traildust-Yes, fluid mfg get a temp stock boost, clutch and brakes appear free... Reluctantly, I am working it hard per your advice. Seems to be getting better.

Butch/Dusty- No large fragments found with magnet as yet in tranny. Hurray! Is it a major job if clutch is slipping?

Will- Compression tester just arrived. Looks like minor surgery to get the apparatus threaded into such a small access! I'll tackle it and report back. HST test sounds like major surgery according to the son!! Hope its the fluid that is the culprit...

Bulldog- Added Marvel Mystery Oil. Lubricity is a good catch all word. I'll do my best to bring this abused tractor back. Hopefully my kids will have a story to tell like yours.

Here's a picture of my new prized 6200.

Also a picture of a someone else's 6100 tractor with hydraulic ram. My dream is to attempt something like this in order to attach a front bucket for the boys. Does anyone have any idea of costs involved with adding hydraulics for a future FEL? I have a wire feed welder and grinder etc.

Many thanks again Gentlemen.



Well-known member

M 9000 DTC, L 3000 DT
Mar 30, 2010
Rocky Face, Georgia
Re: Sluggish B6200

Those pics sure do bring back alot of memories. Those little tractors like that have a special place in my heart. My B 7100 really opened my eyes about what a small compact tractor can accomplish. I noticed the mufflers on both the tractors in you pics have been turned up. I did the same to mine. That lay down pipe would make you look like a stack of smoked ribs after a long day. What's the reason for the front tires being reversed on the 6200? Is that a custom spit cup mounted on the tranny hump or what? Just had to pick at you a little. I truely understand about work in progress. I wish my 7100 would have been as nice as either one of those. When i said rough, I mean it was rough. Maybe your 6200 is just tired after all that sitting it did. Keep stretching it's legs and it will break loose.


New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
Sounds like to me your are not only on the right track but you and the boys are having the times of your life!

The pictures are wonderful and that is one mean looking tractor!

Keep us updated and don't fade away from the forum!

I don't think you are too far away form me if you live in Orange County.

I just notice in the picture you have wheel weights all the way around...WOW...when you get that baby going she will do exceptionally well.

Again, I love this tractor.....



Active member

Kubota 2410, RC60-24B, FL1000- kubota hydrolic front snow blade- plug aerator
Sep 10, 2009
Rising Sun, MD
Ya got me scratch'n my noggin:confused: Please keep us informed....


New member

l2550,b6200, b5100
Mar 30, 2010
Orange, Calif.
Re: Sluggish B6200- HST. Cleaner?


Engine appears to be running fine. RPM's do not seem to change much when under load.
Big improvement after flushing out hydraulics at the tranny ahd cleaning/replacing the filters. Will flush again after running it a bit more. I assume the moisture in the transmisison takes a flushing or two to be comletely removed.
Is there a transmission cleaner for a HST that might help?

If the clutch is slipping, how big a job is it?



New member

B7610HST 4WD, LA352 FEL, Gearmore 2 Spool Top & Tilt Box Scraper
Jan 27, 2010
Phelan, California
If there was a cleaner I would never recommend it...ever. The best thing you can do is what you are currently doing, keep running coupious amounts of hydro fluid through it.

Cleaners change the whole ball game. They can damage seals and what ever crap is in there will come out all at once overwhelming the system actually making it worse. The other thing is that cleaners will not be of a lubrication as that is counter productive if the decreasing/cleaning. In other words you will run the chance of having higher friction, metal to metal with a degreaser in between.

If the clutch is slipping it is a very big job. If you are seeing improvements now than it may not be the clutch.



New member
Feb 17, 2009
Mountforest Ontario
I would never recommend using a cleaner, but I have done it. Last ditch effort to get some power. As far as the clutch goes it took me about a month on my B7200 but I kinda got involved and I am really slow. If you want to check whether it is the clutch or the hydrostatic transmission just but it up to a tree or hook a chain from the tractor to the tree. You have no cover over the hydrostat, if you look through that opening at an angle towards the front you should be able to see the propeller shaft.With the clutch out and the engine running ( tractor is tied to the tree) push the forward pedal and watch the propeller shaft. If the shaft stops turning or slows down noticably and the engine rpm,s dont drop much then your clutch is pooched. If the shaft keeps turning at the same speed as the engine then it is your trani. I hope that makes sense. Good luck and keep us posted.:D Dusty


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Kubota B5100e,Kubota B5000
Apr 11, 2010
Hi I was just wondering what wheels and tyres you are running on the back of your tractor, they look a bit small and it looks like the tractor is sitting low at the back. I was wondering if they where 14inch because original the tractor would have been fitted with 7-16 or 8-16.
Glad you are enjoying your Kubota!!