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Lifetime Member
L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
The heat is getting to him... 
That is so true though. When it rains, it pours.
I was tiling my workshop for the last week. (1200 sq ft). Got almost half done and the heat hit. Mortar sets up dangerously fast for some reason here in AZ! So, I moved inside and decided to swap out my iMac hard drive pre-emptively and fix the DVD burner that was intermittent, and upgrade the RAM while I was there. What turned into a couple hour job ended up taking the better part of two days. And then, to do some updating, my internet starts fritzing out at peak heat and 113 degrees. And then a tooth started acting up. Fortunately just a bruised socket from grinding my teeth. Gee... I wonder why?
Still and all, Lil Foot has it way worse. Nothing like dropping all YOUR stuff to help someone else who doesn't give a rats patoot about your time and effort.
Feel free to vent. We know of what you speak.

That is so true though. When it rains, it pours.
I was tiling my workshop for the last week. (1200 sq ft). Got almost half done and the heat hit. Mortar sets up dangerously fast for some reason here in AZ! So, I moved inside and decided to swap out my iMac hard drive pre-emptively and fix the DVD burner that was intermittent, and upgrade the RAM while I was there. What turned into a couple hour job ended up taking the better part of two days. And then, to do some updating, my internet starts fritzing out at peak heat and 113 degrees. And then a tooth started acting up. Fortunately just a bruised socket from grinding my teeth. Gee... I wonder why?
Still and all, Lil Foot has it way worse. Nothing like dropping all YOUR stuff to help someone else who doesn't give a rats patoot about your time and effort.
Feel free to vent. We know of what you speak.