Hey everyone, Mr. K here, sorry I'm late to the party. Will toss my perspective in here -
1/ Appreciate armylifer (and others) speaking up and voicing both what they appreciate about the site and what could be better. Please keep doing this. I welcome feedback on how the community could be better for current and future visitors, it's been part of the process since the beginning - just iterative improvement. I also appreciate that the thread stayed on track and everyone was respectful in getting their points across. Thank you! I would say that's not all that common on the internet these days.
2/ Mods have a tough job. I think ours do a wonderful job of keeping the site free from spam, keeping threads on track, keeping members unblocked and so on. As others have pointed out, this is an unpaid position. Some of them have put thousands (tens of thousands?) of hours into it and sometimes I am sure it feels like a thankless slog. Is every decision they've made perfect? No, but that's not the expectation. On the whole, their presence here and ongoing efforts have greatly improved the culture on the site and its tidy and efficient operation. I am very thankful and appreciative as I think I've read that many of you are as well.
3/ The original mission for OTT was (and remains for 16 years now) to provide a place on the internet for Kubota owners and enthusiasts to meet, ask questions, get help, swap stories and generally be excited about their Kubota equipment. That is the primary goal of OTT - to provide a venue for all of you to help both each other and newcomers. And while OTT is technically "a business" and you see ads on the site, even if it made no money and only cost money, I would still run the site since the primary mission remains to provide a welcoming place just for Kubota enthusiasts.
4/ Related to #3, since the primary mission of the site is Kubota, and given there are lots of other places on the internet to get into politics, sensitive/divisive topics or R-rated content, we have a pretty low tolerance for their presence here on OTT. My perspective is that since there's an abundance of places elsewhere to explore those topics, OTT can be made a little more welcoming if that content is excluded here. If you see moderators enforcing this rule, they are simply trying their best to adhere to the guidelines for content that I've asked them to follow.
5/ NIW is right about Sidecarflip, I was the one that made the call to ban him. We actually permanently ban exceedingly few members and only as a last resort. I think I can count on 1-2 hands, and that's only after many warnings and timeouts asking for improvement in behavior that does not align with our mission.
The last thing I will leave you all with is gratitude. I am so thankful that you all come onto the site and spend your time here, helping each other out and generally nerding out on all things Kubota. I am thankful for our mods. And, I will admit, I am thankful for the membership fees that help offset the cost of running the place! When the site started back in 2009, I never expected that one day it would grow to have so many members and so many of you going on 3, 5 or 10+ years! Thank you for helping build OTT up and being part of this community.