Hello folks - just a quick heads up. If you have posted something and are looking for advice but Vic has not responded to you yet - do not be discouraged. He's actually under about 3 feet of snow at the moment, and where he's from the internet cuts out when there's that much snow, not sure why. He gets about 5-10 minutes of connectivity and then it cuts out.
What he needs is Wildfire's Grand L4240 to come in and plow all that snow out of the way to clear a path for the carrier pigeons or whatever he's using to connect to the internet. In the meantime he's sorting it out and will be back online shortly to dole out advice!
What he needs is Wildfire's Grand L4240 to come in and plow all that snow out of the way to clear a path for the carrier pigeons or whatever he's using to connect to the internet. In the meantime he's sorting it out and will be back online shortly to dole out advice!