School me on BX's



L4240 HSTC &L3000DT
Sep 19, 2013
St.Lawrence Co.NY
I have owned three larger Kubota's never really looked at the BX.
I have a friend interested in one as a mower and also light FEL work and maybe a roto-tiller later ,maybe a snow plow..
We looked at a few today;the 1870(too small) up to the 2370 ,he liked this size.Turf tires are a must.He has no need for a BH.
He has about three acres ,no woods."B" series too big.
Any recommendations?


New member

Jun 9, 2013
Harvard IL
I have one Acre and love my BX2370

I live in northern Illinois out in the country and get lots of snow and blowing snow. I have the front mount bx2750 blower and love it.

Highly recommend the industrial tires for snow.(no chains needed)

Unless your very anel about your grass they do turn up some turf if your not careful !:eek::eek:


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rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
I've had the BX1860 for three years now. Use it for mowing about 2 acres and snowplowing several short driveways in the winter. The bucket also gets used for stuff like loading gravel. It is only 18 HP but it seems to be plenty of power for my uses. Never had it not do some heavy work I asked of it like grubbing trees..

Now comes a problem. I am used to larger tractors with what I call "standard" three point control. The 3 PT control is a cheap substitute. It basically is on or off for up or down. No draft setting feature. They have some adjustable stops for what they call inching, but that is basically just cracking the valve. The location of the control is too far down for using easily when backing up.

I think the filters for the fuel are very fine and I have had clogging trouble, as well as probably had a bad fuel pump from the start. Seems to be fixed now, but not much trial yet. I now filter the fuel with one that even stops water.

The lift range of the bucket is not like a larger tractor and the lowering range of the 3 pt is limited.

If I had to do this again, I would not do a BX, but would look at Blue or Green of this size for this small acreage and only driveways to plow. I made the mistake of not testing every feature when I bought, figuring it had standard stuff on it. If you don't do much 3 PT work and only do snow plowing with that, maybe OK, but I recognize the cost saving against larger Kubotas as my reason for keeping it. Otherwise it is a nice tractor.

Eric McCarthy

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Kubota B6100E
Dec 21, 2009
Richmond Va
Ah yes here comes the only guy who hates his Kubota but still owns it and swares by his trusted Blue steeds! Seems to me if the Kubota was such as shitty tractor in his eyes then he'd sell it and get the tractor of his dreams.

Funny how out of the thousands of happy Kubota lovers on here who own a BX he's the only one to complain. Guess you cant make everybody happy.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
I have a 2360, same as the 2370 just older, and its a little beast, push snow with a blade no problem, mow almost 5 acres, 60 inch deck, drag, push, pull any and everything, with in reason of course. Over all I wouldn't hesitate to buy another one. Just remember it is a little tractor! And you will run out of traction long before you run out of power. My reason for the BX over the B was due to trees in the orchard, the low hanging limbs presented a problem ( coff coff). And ALL tractors have their draw backs, green, blue, yellow orange, it don't matter what the color is, just some more than others. Don't let any one tell you what to buy, get the one you like and go from there


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rotiller, box scraper,etc.
Feb 24, 2011
For those that believe Eric's claims, all you have to do is do a search with the word "jerky".

While reading the owner's manuals may solve some of the complaints, not every orange owner is a happy camper.

Here is just one of those.

To be honest, the main reason I didn't go back to blue when I downgraded as to needs, was the fact the blue sales guy didn't answer my messages on his answering machine.

When I later needed a larger tractor for a second property, I did go blue without hesitation.

Whiskey Papa

New member

Sep 21, 2013
The top end BX's are mighty powerful for their size. I went with a B2920 because I wanted the extra weight, but the BX2670 will hold it's own with my B2920. I think the only time you run into problems would be pulling sub-terrain implements or push heavy, dirt, etc. and it's plenty easy to add weight to a tractor. You can take a BX, bury the bucket and watch the tires spin...there is no lack of muscle...just weight. And since you mentioned the B is too big, the BX series is a little more nimble I believe...makes mowing faster.

BTW...blkfl1...we're neighbors...I hail from Belvidere these days.


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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
For those that believe Eric's claims, all you have to do is do a search with the word "jerky".

While reading the owner's manuals may solve some of the complaints, not every orange owner is a happy camper.

Here is just one of those.

To be honest, the main reason I didn't go back to blue when I downgraded as to needs, was the fact the blue sales guy didn't answer my messages on his answering machine.

When I later needed a larger tractor for a second property, I did go blue without hesitation.
That thread has nothing to do with the BX, or the lack of position control. Kubota isn't the only manufacturer that doesn't have position control on all of its tractors. While I wish that they did, I wouldn't switch brands over it; my B7100 is that way, and while position control would be nice, I can operate it without it. It just takes a little patience and skill. I chose to live with it, instead of buying another tractor brand that may have position control, but will have some other issue to be unhappy about.
It is one thing to point out the lack of position control so that the prospective buyer knows what they are getting, and another thing to bash Kubota. It isn't a design flaw, it is a design. Can you live with it? Then buy a BX. If you can't then don't.


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BX2670 B2650
Aug 8, 2013
Elkhart In
I tried out the Green Machine, Mowed like Sh--, Lacked the power on my BX2670. Dealer brought me a Bx2670, Day and Night Difference in power, the ONLY the Green boy had was drive over deck, and I hear they have problems with it.

I got a new BX2670, FEL, Snowblower, Brush Hog, Box Blade and Back Blade, have never run out of Power, Mows Great with a 60" MM Deck.

As for Turf Tires, that is what I have, Plowed 9" of Snow with no Problem, Could have done more I'm sure


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Bx1800, 60 inch mower, front snowblower and bucket.
Aug 8, 2013
Gorham, Maine
Got my bx1800 this past summer, absolutely love it! The 18hp has plenty of power. As mentioned, the wheels will spin before I'm out of power. The snowblower is great, I've been doings nieghbors driveways too. Lol. Great on fuel. Handy around the house. I've seen a few landscape companys using the bx for jobs.


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2012 Kubota 2920, 60MMM, FEL, BH65 48" Bush Hog, 60"Backblade, B2782B Snowblower
Dec 31, 2012
New Hampshire
I have one Acre and love my BX2370

I live in northern Illinois out in the country and get lots of snow and blowing snow. I have the front mount bx2750 blower and love it.

Highly recommend the industrial tires for snow.(no chains needed)

Unless your very anel about your grass they do turn up some turf if your not careful !:eek::eek:
You are better of with turf tires and a set of chains. Industrial tires can be down right dangerous on packed, slippery icy snow, and horrible on wet snow. Ran many pay loaders and backhoes with industrial tires and if there was no chains, you could take quite a ride with one that you didn't want to take. If you have hills you want chains.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
We have a Cabbed Kubota 5740 which we really like but we have a BX25-D we love. This little tractor has done more work for us that I really never thought possible. I am a licensed heavy equipment operator and have operated some pretty big machines but the one that always surprises the heck out of me is our little BX.
It's hauled more than ten tandem loads of gravel, top soil, it's made roads, dug up stumps and even dug up rocks half it's own size and managed to even move them. It's picked up 40' plus foot trees up with its Back hoe and moved them. When all that was done it hooked up to the chipper and chipped six loads of chips.
They'll have to pry this BX from my dead hands. It's a fantastic machine with no short comings that I can think of.



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John Deere 790 John Deere 310 backhoe Bobcat 743
Nov 19, 2010
Love, VA
Wow, Wildfire. Anyone who knows you knows how much that review means. You should get a paid endorsement from Kubota.


Active member

Kubota L5740 HSTC3 and a Kubota ZG222Z, 2013 BX25D,Custom Toyota fork lift.
Wow, Wildfire. Anyone who knows you knows how much that review means. You should get a paid endorsement from Kubota.
Hey I'm only speaking the truth. I'm still in awe of what this BX has done in the 60 hours that's on the clock to date. Kubota Canada gave me a hat one time. Do that count? ;)

When we started working the BX last spring the first photo will show what and why we needed it. The goal was to put a road down on the side of our shop. Plenty of trees had to go, stumps had to be removed and the toad had to be established.
The goal was met thanks to the BX. :D



Active member

BX2200, BX2660, L5740 HSTC, M8540HDC and some other tractors and equipment
Sep 16, 2011
SE Missouri
Overall I am a big fan of the BX, we own a 2200 and 2660. We went with the 2660 for the added PTO power and nicer seat. I think all BX seats are the same now though.

I have always been impressed with how much work these little things will do as have the people for whom we have done work.

I really, really dislike the quarter inching 3PH and my wife and I went to look at the John Deere 1026R as a possible next tractor but decided overall we liked the BX better, we also have a John Deere 2305 so we are certainly not color blind.


New member

May 15, 2013
Huntingdon, PA
I bought a BX25 after years of research. We live in a very low area with many springs causing ground water saturation to the point I couldn't even mow until August. After getting my BX25 I installed hundreds of feet of burried drain pipe surrounded by 2B aggregate, covered by non-woven geotech matt covered by topsoil, etc - the drain pipes all grade to a stream running through my property.

I put 130 hours doing this work this past summer, having put the machine into service on May 6th. The only issues I ever had we're caused by me not being experienced on the machine. After I learned how to handle the swampy conditions I could get out of any mess I got into. I did all of the service on my own per the intervals specified in the manual. I thought I had a bearing issue that I'm embarrassed to say was a piece of pea gravel rattling around the hyd unit fan.

In case you couldn't tell, I am thrilled with all aspects of the BX25. Has done everything I've asked to my complete satisfaction.

Anyone can find something to whine about or dislike if that's thir inclination. I've learned this having raised three kids. Fortunately they've grown up!

Wildfire, those are some awesome pic's. I knew I'd regret not tracking the progress and magnitude of my project last summer. I love orange!


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BX25D, Woods RB60 Backblade, loader forks, BX42S Chipper
Aug 5, 2013
Lincoln, DE
I have a BX25D and love. I have 4 acres and it does everything I need and then some. Can go wrong with BX25D.


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L235, bx2670
May 30, 2009
chickamauga ga usa
I've said before, if I had to start getting rid of all my toys (UGGH, things!!) , the bx2230 would be the last to go. That being said, it does have some limitations, groud clearance, very low. FEL, slow unless eng at high speed. Ok, that's about all, I love my bx.


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Kubota L2600, - BX 2670, - BX 25-D-1, -G3200, - RTV 900, - ZTR 121S
Nov 7, 2012
Winnsboro, Louisiana
We traded my wife's BX 2200 with MMM with 1800+ hours on it for a new BX 2670 FEL and MMM. The only problem it ever had was the power steering and it cost $94 to fix. We also have my "L" model that does the heavy work but within reason you will not be disappointed we aren't. In fact we tried to buy the 2200 back but no sale. .