I saw for sale a pretty decent looking S&R 3 point chipper (1846P) and can't find much info about them on the innerwebs. It looks like the company was out of Oregon but is out of business now. This is the 18" model that can handle 4" diameter "logs". The guy has the owner's manual and says the knives have been sharpened recently. I think it has some type of power feed. The price is about half to a third the big name brands (that are still in business) in comparable condition. Does anyone know about these? Are knives still available? Are they some type of standard? Are there other parts that wear out that might be proprietary and therefore not available? I have never owned a chipper but I have been looking at the used ones that have a motor on them. The 3 point ones seem pricey but they might be great behind something that has a lot of PTO power. The vast majority of the chippers I see used are either too small HP or they are the true pro types and most of those are way out of my price range. There are some that are in between that I run across in the 12-18 HP range like DR, Brush Master and Bearcat. Those are the ones I have been looking at until I ran across this 3 point S&R. Can anyone give a few pros and cons on the 3 point vs stand alone chippers?