Rvt or silicon in hydro fluid?


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BX25D, B7100 Restoration project with a B219 loader and B670 backhoe
May 16, 2014
Ashland, KY
Found some Rvt or silicon in hydro fluid?!

I found some large chunks of silicon or rvt sealant type stuff in my hydro fluid and on the pump screen. I looked in the screen hole and saw some pieces in there but couldn't get them with needle nose or to flush out with extra fluid. I'm a little concerned but not sure what approach I should take with the dealer or corporate. I realize they are soft and probably not much harm to the gears and the pump screen/filter are probably doing their job to clean it out but still I worry it might demage the pump or hydraulics. What do you guys think?


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North Idaho Wolfman

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Jun 9, 2013
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RTV / Silicone will not do any damage to the pump or hydraulics.
But really it shouldn't ever get there, as the filter is before the pump. ;)


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Jul 11, 2014
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When the dealer took to rear end top cover off to service my 3pt valve, the tech told me there is no seal for that plate cover. It's put on with RTV. You might have found some that dripped into the fluid.

I am assuming your machine is new... or did the dealer ever have that cover off? Do you have any hemostats that could reach in and remove the pieces you see? Most hardware stores sell 'em.

Shouldn't be a problem but its a great example of why the 50 hour service is important.


New member

BX25D, B7100 Restoration project with a B219 loader and B670 backhoe
May 16, 2014
Ashland, KY
I tried to reach in there and grab the small bits that i saw but they disappeared out of sight. I also tried flushing with additional fluid and re-pulling the drain plug but no additional came out. My gut says it might not be an issue and that the screen/filter will get it all out eventually but i just cant help but wonder if i should contact my dealer or corporate and ask that they extend my hydro or pump warranty in writing to be sure. Seems like an excessive amount of foreign bodies in a new machine and that someone was careless and slopping when building. Ive heard alot of people pull the screen the first time and its almost clean or just has a few bits of metal shavings which i would expect but gobs of silicon i did not expect.


Dec 6, 2009
That is very sloppy assembly. Will it cause damage, not likely because it will never make it through the suction screen. It is still a bad idea to have that in there. If by some chance it did get to the pressure side it would destroy both the pump and the hydrostat. I am surprised that Kubota is that careless on new assembly's.


New member

BX25D, B7100 Restoration project with a B219 loader and B670 backhoe
May 16, 2014
Ashland, KY
That is very sloppy assembly. Will it cause damage, not likely because it will never make it through the suction screen. It is still a bad idea to have that in there. If by some chance it did get to the pressure side it would destroy both the pump and the hydrostat. I am surprised that Kubota is that careless on new assembly's.
The what if's are what concerns me. It might be years before something happened but i fear exactly what you pointed out. It is indeed sloppy work and part of me wants to demand repair/replacement or even trade on another one as this one is less than 9 months old but I expect none of that is likely.... I think if I push I might get Them to seeing for enough fluid to flush until clean though.....


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
If it's a new machine, ask the dealer what your options are, you have the proof of the contamination. It would be up to them to flush the system and recertify it as clean. If it causes problems down the road, you have the documentation to back up that it was delivered contaminated and it's still their issue even 10 years from now. Warranties go back to the point of determination of an issue, not the current point in time. Kubota is on the hook against contamination damage to your pump for many years to come, as such, stop doing your own fixes and leave it in the dealer hands.


New member

BX25D, B7100 Restoration project with a B219 loader and B670 backhoe
May 16, 2014
Ashland, KY
If it's a new machine, ask the dealer what your options are, you have the proof of the contamination. It would be up to them to flush the system and recertify it as clean. If it causes problems down the road, you have the documentation to back up that it was delivered contaminated and it's still their issue even 10 years from now. Warranties go back to the point of determination of an issue, not the current point in time. Kubota is on the hook against contamination damage to your pump for many years to come, as such, stop doing your own fixes and leave it in the dealer hands.
Also a good point!