RPMs up and down


Well-known member

B2650 BH77 LA534 54" ssqa Forks B2782B BB1560 Woods M5-4 MaxxHaul 50039
Jan 3, 2019
Hadashville, Manitoba, Canada
Oh, you mean someone who actually understands the definition of wind chill?


" Wind Chill is a term used to describe what the air temperature feels like to the human skin due to the combination of cold temperatures and winds blowing on exposed skin. "
In current meteorological terms wind chill is definitely a measure of human perception, as "feels like". I agree.

But I will puty forward that when most cold weather (meaning beklow freezing at least) equipment operators here, and others, try to describe the effect of wind on both the speed of cooling down, or its direct effect on operation due to wind-induced heat losses, that they will use the term "wind chill" to describe it. For themselves or their equipment.

Not: "The wind chill effect is -50 on my face, and the heat transfer is really high out of my equipment".

More like: "It's fucking cold, the wind chill is killing me and the tractor".

So there. lol...