Most of the newer Kubota's HP rating are around 2500 - 2700 rpm. So I don't think that is too fast. My L4740 runs right around 2600 at 540 pto rpm. I always try to run my attachments at 540 rpm. There are exceptions of course.(ie: post hole auger).my RPM meter says almost 2600 to run the PTO, that seems really fast for a diesel? It doesn't seem to cut well unless it is up there but I hate running it that hard?
Hmm, guess the manufacturer knows best. good comment thx.If you are working your diesel engine it is always more productive and easier on it to operate it close to it's rated speed rather than lug it down. 2600 rpm would be fast for some diesels and slow for others, your engine is designed to be most productive and efficient at that speed.
X 2I run all of mine at the 540 recommended RPM.