What's worse than a roundabout ?.......
My offering...
Hamilton,Ontario has two main downtown roads east-west. Vital corridors,1,000s of vehicles every day.. For over 7 decades, King street was 4 lanes west, Main street 4 lanes east. All signals 'timed' so you can drive from Dundas to Stoney Creek ( MILES) without stopping.... Easy,efficient, clean...
The idiots have decided to make Main Street TWO WAY ! Think about that for a second, now 4 lanes of west to east traffic (1000s per hour) have to 'merge' into 2 lanes. Morning rush hour will be 'interesting'...
At the SAME TIME, we're getting 'LRT' for about 1/5 of the distance. That's train tracks for electric trains that replace TWO westbound lanes on King Street. NO cars allowed on LRT(it's blocked off...). So now 4 lanes have to merge...Take 4 lanes,say 20 cars long between stoplights,they NOW have to be in TWO lanes, 40 cars long ! And these 'plans' make it more efficient to travel into Hamilton's downtown core ??