Retired my 5 gallon fuel cans


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2012 L45, 1998 Gehl 5635, 2001 Bobcat 331D
Jun 30, 2020
On the Ridge
Diesels are way easier. Many have a low pressure lift pump, like under 10psi. Tap into that with a simple T, add a valve and you are set.
I tried the jerry cans, then 15gl totes and it got old. I added this setup (upper pump) to my duramax and am adding a T right after the pump.
I have a 75gl tank at my and a 52 Titan on the truck. 75gl tank hangs on side of container to gravity fill the tractors. 20210530_101531_resized.jpg 20200321_142617_resized.jpg 20201105_173050_resized.jpg
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
Does Illinois not have a “Farm” or “Ag” trailer-plates category?

In Texas, trailer plates are based upon gross weight. My 10K Dump Trailer would cost $100/yr except that it is titled/registered as a Farm trailer since I primarily use it on the ranch. Plates cost $5.

Utility trailers used primarily on a farm have no title or registration requirements if gross wt is under 4K.


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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
Does Illinois not have a “Farm” or “Ag” trailer-plates category?

In Texas, trailer plates are based upon gross weight. My 10K Dump Trailer would cost $100/yr except that it is titled/registered as a Farm trailer since I primarily use it on the ranch. Plates cost $5.

Utility trailers used primarily on a farm have no title or registration requirements if gross wt is under 4K.
Yes, IL has FT (farm Trailer plates. You also have to have the vehicle with Farm plates or pay an extra registration fee (i believe $10) each year to have the vehicle meet the farm requirements.


Here is the cost of just regular trailer plates


TX Chris

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MX5400, BH92, RTV900, ZD326
Dec 14, 2020
Rowlett, TX
Does Illinois not have a “Farm” or “Ag” trailer-plates category?

In Texas, trailer plates are based upon gross weight. My 10K Dump Trailer would cost $100/yr except that it is titled/registered as a Farm trailer since I primarily use it on the ranch. Plates cost $5.

Utility trailers used primarily on a farm have no title or registration requirements if gross wt is under 4K.
I'm also in Texas and have pondered the Farm Trailer registration, but I've never interpreted the rules as "primarily" and have avoided it. I've been told by quite a few people that a determined State Trooper could ruin your day if he's so inclined...

Found online:

Farm Trailers

A farmer or rancher who owns a farm trailer or farm semitrailer may obtain a distinguishing Farm Trailer license plate for a $5 fee under certain conditions provided the trailer/semitrailer only transports:

  • Agricultural products
  • Livestock
  • Farm Supplies
  • Participates in equine activities or livestock shows
Titling and registration requirements for farm trailers vary. For information about all required documentation and fees, contact your county tax assessor-collector office.


Well-known member
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M4700DT, LA1002FEL, Ferguson5-8B Compactor-Roller, 10KDumpTrailer, RTV-X900
May 18, 2018
Gravel and dirt to make my farm road useable is “farm supplies”. isn’t it? …and it’s used “primarily on” the place.

(I suspect the fear of DPS (state-troopers) is in reference to “Farm Truck” plates….and that Texas requires such trucks not to travel more than 150 miles of the farm.)

When he learned of my purpose for a dump trailer, the seller of the trailer is who suggested that it be titled “Farm“, said it was not uncommon, county tax collector didn’t question it… and 4 years of use now and no officer has ever stopped or questioned me,…despite the regular travel through local towns and highways between the gravel pit and home. Saved $640 in sales tax and removes the requirement for annual inspection also.

When I modified my utility trailer (steel bed using C-purlins) I registered it as “home-made” and the county tax office only wanted to know it’s gross weight capacity I rarely load it more than 1500 lbs but declaring it less than 4K removes it from inspection requirements. Those plates are placed on whatever trailer I happen to use that day….(I have 4 utility/flat-bed/gen-purpose trailers).

However, my travel trailer is registered as such (and the plates say so), as does the boat-trailer.


Farm Trailer
The term "farm trailer" refers to a trailer or semitrailer designed for, and primarily used on, a farm or ranch.
A farm trailer does not refer to a motor vehicle designed for sleeping, dressing, lounging, restroom use or meal preparation, even if the vehicle is used to transport livestock or agricultural products.
A farm trailer used more than 20 percent of the time to transport livestock or property to and from competitions, shows, rodeos or other similar uses does not qualify for exemption.”

Soooo….don’t know the source of your post which indicated a “Farm Trailer” qualified if it:
  • Participates in equine activities or livestock shows
….but there may be differences in certain Counties…?? (When I purchased the Dump trailer the seller was located in Williamson county…and that is where he was required to register the sale for the sales tax exemption…but the Farm Trailer plates are issued in my home county.)
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L3560HSTC-LE , LA805 Loader , GS1572
Feb 5, 2023
Nice job ! I’ve been thinking of a tank lately . Tired of the 5 gal can gig .
Nothing extreme . Thinking along the same lines with 50 gal .