Restoring an old L260. Advice??


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Olympia, WA
Hello everyone. My name is Bruce and I love this forum. Lots of great advice and everyone seems very friendly and helpful.

I am in the beginning stages of restoring an old L260 Kubota and would like any information anyone has on the old girl. Specifically I am looking to purchase, or download, an owners manual, parts manual, and a workshop manual. If anyone has anything on PDF, that would be great.

Now for the technical stuff. Can any one pass along advice on how I should get this old tractor rolling again. It was recently pulled from the weeds where it had sat for over ten years. I am reluctant to just slap a new battery in it because I dont want to run the risk of damaging any inside components. I thought about changing all the fluids first but without a manual I dont know what and how much goes where.

Along those lines, can anyone tell me how to prime the fuel lines on this? I have a tank feeding what looks like a pump with some sort of plunger on it. I am lost.

Sorry for such a long post. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Bruce


New member

L35, mower, bushhog, cement mixer, grader, boxblade, forks, posthole digger
Mar 31, 2009
Ft. Worth, TX
Bruce, Welcome to OTT. I'm not familiar with an L260, but be sure to remove either the glow plugs or the injectors before you try to turn it over. Water may have leaked into the tops of the cylinders and it you try to turn it over, it will damage expensive stuff, such as pistons, connecting rods, and maybe even the crank. Keep us posted on your progress and post pictures. Good Luck!