Removing, repairing and replacing dynamo on B7100


New member

b7100 with 1630c loader
Jul 28, 2015
Recently my bearings seized in the dynamo on my B7100. As anyone who has ever tried to remove their dynamo knows, there is one nut on the bottom that is extremely difficult to get to. Getting it off can be accomplished easily enough by bending a 10mm box end wrench. Getting it back on was the difficult part. I found this solution on the Internet and thought I would pass it on. You take a 10mm ratchet wrench and bend it. Then you put a piece of tape on one side so that when you put the nut in it, it won’t fall out. Now holding the wrench you position the nut on the stud and you begin tightening one click at a time until it catches a thread. Now you are able to use your finger or a screwdriver and spin the nut down. Then finish tightening with the wrench.

If I wouldn’t have found this ratchet wrench/tape trick I would have had to remove the head just for one nut. My thanks to whoever thought of this and I hope this helps someone else.