Removing a pilot bearing B7100


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Queensland Australia
I've tried the grease gun trick to put pressure on the back of the bearing but the pressure pushes the tape, that is wrapped around the coupler, back and grease oozes out.
I notice this bronze bearing has a split (like a roll pin) and a hole that is positioned at the bottom.

The old seal collapsed and I have bought both a new bearing and seal. Seal is easy to remove/replace.

The old bearing looks ok but I figure I should replace it while I have the tractor split and flywheel out.

Is there a cheap tool or method to remove. This forum is a wealth of knowledge.


New member

B6200 1640 loader Caroni 48 rear finish mower
Oct 24, 2009
Middleboro Ma
Hi Dennis,

I just did the clutch on my B6200. I used a very small chisel maybe 1/4" make sure it is sharp and you have plenty of light. Make a cut only as deep and as long as the pilot bearing you will see part of the bearing fold up then you can get an old dull screw driver under the defoliated bearing and pry it out. Dremel any inperfections made by the chisel. VERY IMPORTANT!

Caution! When you install the new one you will need a piece of round stock Brass or Aluminum just under the OD of the bearing. Get it going straight if it is crooked you will wreck the bearing. I had trouble with the pilot bearing seal. The old seal had one lip the new one has 2 lips and more sealing power. I tried the Splined propeller shaft for fit on assembly and the pressure from the grease kept pushing the seal out. The flywheel will stop the seal from coming out but it does originally ride further in. Check your ball coupling! now is the time to replace it seeing you have the tractor split.

See my post, New clutch on my b6200
Good Luck,


New member
Jul 28, 2010
Queensland Australia
Thanks for the tip Rickcas. I'll take a look at the coupling. The thrust bearing holder oil seals and clutch fork looks ok. I am replacing pressure plate, friction plate and thrust bearing........and pilot bearing if I can get the thing out.

It doesn't seem worn when I compare it to the replacement new bearing I bought but the old seal had broken so I am a little cautious of wear.


New member

B6200 1640 loader Caroni 48 rear finish mower
Oct 24, 2009
Middleboro Ma
Hi Dennis,
I replaced the release bearing on my 6200 it was also in good shape. You will need a hydraulic press to get it off. I used a large vise with aluminum jaws to install the new one rotating the holder to make sure bearing went on straight. The holder seals are tough to get out I used a 1/2" brass rod. When installing seals they also must be started straight or they will deform. Polish the outside of holder as it rides in what I think are teflon seals in bell housing.
I reused the teflon seals they were like new clean and regrease.

Keep up the good work!


New member

L3010 w/ Cab, RCR 1560, RB 1584, SMC Loader, KK II 60" Gear Drive Tiller
Feb 28, 2010
Trick I've used is to find a rod that fits tight into the bearing then pack the cavity with grease o paper. Then use a hammer to pound on the rod. the hydraulic pressure will force it out. May have to add paper or grease to keep the cavity full.



New member

B7100,B7100 with Backhoe and FEL, Goldoni Quad 20
Feb 11, 2010
Trick I've used is to find a rod that fits tight into the bearing then pack the cavity with grease o paper. Then use a hammer to pound on the rod. the hydraulic pressure will force it out. May have to add paper or grease to keep the cavity full.

And be sure to wear some eye protection!!