Rake Attachment


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
Sure does a nice job!

I have a similar box grid that was a livestock gate. Light stock but, I kept it to build a 3-pt tool for raking my arena. I have not tried welding 1/4" metal to light gauge tubing. It may not work but I have plenty of scrap to practice on. A neighbor had two horses in a small portable pen and the horses used to kick the crap out of the pen sections. He gave me about nine of them and there was an awful lot of straight metal in then. I have been wanting to weld up some small arena or drive drags people could use behind their quad or ute.

I found a guy with a beautiful bucket lip off a piece of equipment. Its hardened steel and I am not sure how it welds but, I want to put teeth on one side of the blade (its 5" by 72") and put the teeth down to rip and then flip it over and grade with it. It must weigh ninety pounds or more. Should do a good job. I want to make it adjustable so I can rotate it and push material from side to side, like a grader.

I also just bought some parts to fab up a land plane to pull behind my ute. I have an electric actuator to vary the depth and pick the whole thing up for travel over roads or concrete. Kinda like a DR Grader, only way better.

Projects... projects.