I had my first opportunity to play in the snow with the new B2650 today. I was pretty worried about the performance of the turf tires without rear chains when it came to moving snow. We ended up with a little over 6" of wet, heavy snow after being told it would only be 1-3. Tractor worked great on both gravel and concrete as long as it was in 4wd..rear wheel drive was pretty sketchy, whether pulling 6ft blade or pushing 60" bucket. I was impressed with how well it moved snow with the bucket, but steering wasn't the greatest after bucket started filling, even with bucket in float. Even backing out of ditches, it climbed right out without spinning, but I did have to put it in Med range a couple times to back up over large piles of snow. All in all, I'm pretty happy...looking forward to our next snowfall so I can go play..errr work with the new tractor!